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Vanilla Alterations

Ordana edited this page Dec 16, 2023 · 7 revisions


  • Some ores have had their drops changed to expand the progression related to material processing
  • Redstone, Lapis, Emerald and Diamond ores have had their drops changed to be Rough Cinnabar, Rough Lazurite, Rough Emeralds and Rough Diamonds respectively
  • The Deepslate variants of all ores now have a chance to drop additional items when mined
  • Metal ores drop Raw Nuggets, gem ores drop Rough Shards

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Stone Variants Worldgen

  • The random patchy blobs of Granite, Andesite, Diorite, Dirt and Gravel have been disabled
  • In their place, large stripes of these blocks generate instead
  • For a given region, there will randomly be one of the three stone types, occasionally a region will have no secondary stone at all
  • Below y=0, tuff will generate in place of the other three stone types
  • Up to 20 blocks below the surface, Dirt, Coarse Dirt and Gravel will generate instead

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Dusty Corridors

  • Mineshafts will now contain dust piles
  • Some corridors are full of dust and rarely a Dust Bunny spawner


Crevasse Carvers

  • The Crevasse type carvers from the experimental worldgen snapshots have been re-implemented into spelunkery with their shapes slightly tweaked



  • Lodestones now have an alternate crafting recipe using a Magnetite Block instead of Netherite

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  • Slimes can now spawn underground outside of Slime Chunks
  • They spawn more frequently the lower down in the world you are

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Rotten Flesh

  • Rotten Flesh can now be crafted into leather by combining it with Salt or Saltpeter

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Anvil Restoration

  • Right-clicking a damaged anvil with an Iron Ingot will repair it by one stage
  • Anvil Repair Items is controlled by an item tag so you can customize what is used to repair anvils

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Nether Portals

  • Nether Portals now play sound effects upon creation and destruction
  • The Obsidian in Nether Portal Frames now have a chance to randomly become Crying Obsidian when the portal they comprise is destroyed
  • A Bottle of Dimensional Tears can be used to ignite a nether portal
  • There is a config option (disabled by default) to disable igniting nether portals via Flint and Steel if you'd like an additional challenge

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  • Sculk blocks now drop Sculk Veins when mined with shears
  • Sculk blocks can now be crafted out of Sculk Veins

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Recovery Compass

  • The vanilla Recovery Compass crafted with echo shards and a compass that points to your most recent death point will no longer drop from your inventory when you die
  • Instead, it stays in your your inventory, allowing you to immediately track down your death point
