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Nephrite XP Storage

Ordana edited this page Dec 16, 2023 · 4 revisions

Nephrite Components

Carved Nephrite

  • Carved Nephrite is able to store experience inside itself in the form of "Charge" which it will equalize among neighboring Carved Nephrite. Charge will always prioritize flowing downward before checking to the side so keep that in mind when designing a storage vessel. Think of it like there's a fluid inside of the block. Each block of Carved Nephrite can store 100 Charge (just over 7 levels if you start from zero).

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Nephrite Siphon

  • Nephrite Siphons are used to convert XP into Charge by draining XP from players that stand on it or absorbing nearby XP orbs

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Nephrite Fountain

  • Nephrite Fountains drain the Charge from Carved Nephrite it is placed on and converts it into XP orbs when it is powered with a redstone signal
  • If a Nephrite Fountain is adjacent to charged Carved Nephrite, it can be right-clicked with a glass bottle and the charge will be exhanged for a bottle of XP

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Nephrite Diode

  • Nephrite Diodes take one charge from the Carved Nephrite behind it and transfer it to the Carved Nephrite in front of it whenever it receives a redstone signal
  • Diodes can be placed in any direction so the most useful thing they can do is transfer Charge vertically upward
  • Diodes can be pushed by pistons unlike the other components
  • A Redstone clock is required to make the best use of a Diode as it only transfers 1 Charge when it receives a signal

2023-01-15_01 08 11

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