Masking of flagged regions and lineage assignment
This pipeline masked regions with mix sites flagged by Bammix and regions with more than 4x depth in the Negative Control samples. Nextclade is used to flag samples for private mutations and genome coverage among others. Lineage assignment is done using Usher.
nextflow run kariton \
--bammix flagged_barcodes_positions_proportions.csv \
--ref Barcode_Batch_08.csv \
--bam_dir /path/to/articNcovNanopore_sequenceAnalysisNanopolish_articMinIONNanopolish/ \
--fasta_dir /path/to/articNcovNanopore_prepRedcap_renameFasta/ \
--out_dir result
Parameter | Argument |
--bammix |
output csv file of the Bammix tool |
--ref |
barcode file. See example in assets |
--bam_dir |
directory containing the bam files; must have / on the last |
--fasta_dir |
directory containing the consensus sequences; must have / on the last |
--out_dir |
output directory |