This is a game made by BeeverFeever and 0oAstro. It is an RPG card style game that runs in the console and is all text based. It has been designed to be replayed as all the stats are randomly generated each time.
- You will be shown 4 cards. All cards are randomly generated.
- You have to choose one of them.
- Computer will choose a random card then.
- Then you will be in the ShowTime stage.
- In showtime, you are allowed to play some defined moves (Attack, Dodge, Defence, and Block).
- The first player, whose card's health will be 0, will lose.
- health stat is random
- crit stat is determined by attack stat
- defence stat is determined by health stat
- speed stat is determined by attack stat
- attack stat is determined by defence stat
- Attack - attacks other player and deals damage
- Dodge - has chance to dodge away from attack(chance can be stacked)
- Block - Incomming attack does low damage
- Special attack - can be used when crit stats hits 100. this will be a special magical move (powered by dark)
- Randomly generate cards
- Show animation when computer is choosing card
- Define all the moves
- Refine stat generation