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This page is for PRF crew and other modders to see behind the scene stuff. We will list usefull info, comps and such in here, usefull when updating or making patches for PRF.
Help Tab
Used to make Help button, it need a line in Language file called: <DEFNAME_HelpText>Help text</DEFNAME_HelpText>
PRF lamps switch color comp.
<li Class="ProjectRimFactory.Misc.CompProperties_Glower_ColorPick">
<glowRadius>20</glowRadius> <!-- Glow radius like vanilla glow comp -->
<glowColor>(252,199,139,0)</glowColor> <!-- Color when placed -->
<key>PRF_Warm_White</key> <!-- Link to language file for translation use -->
<moreColors> <!-- List extra colors with rgb code and language key/name -->
<prerequisites> <!-- Required researche to unlock "button" -->
Second Layer Comp This is borrowed From KV/Vendan from RimFridge mod and integrated in prf for use in our xml toolkit.
<li Class="ProjectRimFactory.Common.CompProperties_SecondLayer"> <!-- This is used when multiple textures want to be stacked -->
<texPath>Belts/Growzone_south</texPath> <!-- Path to second layer texture -->
<graphicClass>Graphic_Single</graphicClass> <!-- Need to be set same as original type -->
<shaderType>Transparent</shaderType> <!-- for glass like use Transparent -->
<altitudeLayer>Projectile</altitudeLayer> <!-- Set to what layer wanted, Projectile for top, building for bottom -->
Assemblers in PRF are a general description linked to both smart assemblers and adaptive. But also any preset assembler with locked recipes like Simple cooker
If its a preset assembler it needs to have this thingclass:
where the other 2 type have their own thingclass, but those are not used for other purposes.
For assemblers we have following Comps and mod extensions:
<li Class="ProjectRimFactory.Common.CompProperties_PowerWorkSetting"> <!-- speed settings -->
<speedSetting>true</speedSetting> <!-- use speed power boost or not? -->
<minPowerForSpeed>0</minPowerForSpeed> <!-- power use for min setting -->
<minSpeedFactor>1</minSpeedFactor> <!-- Slowest speed setting -->
<maxPowerForSpeed>3000</maxPowerForSpeed> <!-- max power use -->
<maxSpeedFactor>2</maxSpeedFactor> <!-- Max speed setting -->
range settings
<rangeSetting>true</rangeSetting> <!-- use range for input cells -->
<minPowerForRange>0</minPowerForRange> <!-- power for minimum -->
<minRange>1</minRange> <!-- Range on lowest setting (Radius) -->
<maxPowerForRange>1000</maxPowerForRange> <!-- power for max -->
<maxRange>3</maxRange> <!-- max range -->
<rangeType>ProjectRimFactory.Common.RectRange</rangeType> <!-- can be: RectRange, FacingRectRange, CircleRange -->
<!-- range color settings, if not used just prf standards -->
<!-- this uses output cell on assemblers -->
<!-- Assemblers can use BOTH or EITHER fueled and power comp to power it. -->
<!-- If both are used it will need both power and fuel to run, if power used only power needed... -->
<li Class="CompProperties_Refuelable">
<fuelConsumptionRate>20.0</fuelConsumptionRate> <!-- Rate it will burn through fuel -->
<fuelCapacity>50.0</fuelCapacity> <!-- This set how much storage it has before need to refuel -->
<thingDefs> <!-- Here you set Fuel type it need, can be any DEF -->
<consumeFuelOnlyWhenUsed>true</consumeFuelOnlyWhenUsed> <!-- Not sure if this work or not? -->
<showAllowAutoRefuelToggle>true</showAllowAutoRefuelToggle> <!-- Toggle button for refuel -->
<!-- This is BASE value only if power setting is used this will be base and then boost set rest -->
<li Class="CompProperties_Power">
<basePowerConsumption>200</basePowerConsumption> <!-- Base power use -->
<li Class="ProjectRimFactory.SAL3.Exposables.AssemblerDefModExtension">
<importRecipesFrom> <!-- import bills from a existing workbench, more then 1 can be used -->
<workSpeedBaseFactor>2</workSpeedBaseFactor> <!-- Workspeed boost normal = 1 -->
<skillLevel>20</skillLevel> <!-- skill level set all skill to XX if not set skill = 10 -->
<artSkillLevel>10</artSkillLevel> <!-- Art skill level are set separate -->
<workingGraphicData> <!-- Working texture swap -->
<drawStatus>true</drawStatus> <!-- Show working/idle status -->
<doEffect>true</doEffect> <!-- Sound and visual effect activate -->
<overrideRecipeEffecter> <!-- List of Recipe and Effecter to overwrite. -->
<!-- Below can be leaved out and is most for an example on how to overwrite original effect attached to that operation -->
<RecipeDef.defName Effecter="EffecterDef.defName" Sound="SoundDef.defName" /> <!-- Override a specific recipe effect and sound -->
<!-- RecipeDef - see RimWorld\Data\Core\Defs\RecipeDefs\Recipes_*.xml --> <!-- find recipeDef here -->
<!-- EffecterDef - see RimWorld\Data\Core\Defs\Effects\Effecter_*.xml --> <!-- find effectDef here -->
<!-- SoundDef - see RimWorld\Data\Core\Defs\SoundDefs\*_Sustainers_*.xml --> <!-- find soundDef here -->
<CookMealSimple Effecter="Repair" /> <!-- example -->
<CookMealSimpleBulk Effecter="ButcherFlesh" Sound="Recipe_ButcherCorpseFlesh" /> <!-- example -->
<!-- Effect that is used when RecipeDef.effectWorking and RecipeDef.soundWorking does not exist or is not defined in overrideRecipeEffecter. -->
Other usefull lines for Assemblers thats not a comp or extension
<recipes> <!-- Adding single/specific recipes to a assembler -->
<inspectorTabs> <!-- used to set bills on Assemblers -->
<tickerType>Normal</tickerType> <!-- --> assemblers uses Normal Ticker type
now has a bill depended option.
The old way:
<bonusYields Chance="0.25">
<SculptureLarge Weight="0.5" Count="1" Quality="6" MaterialDef="Gold" />
is still available. it can be used when something should happen independent of the bill.
The new way:
<value Chance="1">
<SculptureLarge Weight="0.5" Count="1" Quality="6" MaterialDef="Gold" />
holds the RecipeDef name
is located in the value element
This means that different RecipeDefs can have different chances for different additional things
<value Chance="1"></value>
Holds the standard Bonus Yield Line
General note:
The script prioritizes billBonusYields
over bonusYields
if you get nothing from billBonusYields
you have a chance for bonusYields
if you get something from billBonusYields
you have no chance for bonusYields
Works on S.A.L, Assemblers, Miners and Tier3 miner type
New XML Settings in ModExtension_Skills:
public enum enum_ModExtension_SkillsskillUsage
ThisOverrides = 0,
ReserchIsCapping = 1,
ThisIsCapping = 2,
ReserchOverrides = 3
ThisOverrides = 0:
The Level as defined in skills
is final
ReserchIsCapping = 1
The Level as defined in skills
is capped by the Research
ThisIsCapping = 2
The Level is set via Research is capped by the Level Defined in skills
ReserchOverrides = 3 The Level is set via Research is final
Sample of the Setting in use
<li Class="ProjectRimFactory.Common.ModExtension_Skills">
Augmented Turtle Squad // Team ATS