2013-01-11 @zelig adds erb template support
2013-01-09 @zelig adds pre-save support
2012-09-30 @danryan adds file_patterns to settings file. Thanks!
"file_patterns": [ ".rb", ".rake", "Gemfile", "Rakefile" ]
2012-04-08 Now aligns arguments within parens "()" on multiple lines. eg.
Now handles ruby interpreter configuration under settings
Added BeautifyRuby to Edit menu item and cmd+shift+p command pallet
Added setting to use a tab instead of two spaces. Also considers 'rake' files ruby files.
Now handles ascii characters.
Removed a ':' that was causing an error.
To avoid potential data loss, the document saves before and after running beautifier.
Changed key binding so it did not interfere with opening the side panel.
Beautifies Ruby code. This plugin uses the Ruby Script Beautifier written by P.Lotus
I made very little modification to get it to work with a Sublime Text 2 plugin.
Erb html templates uses Paul Battley's htmlbeautifier gem. This (as well as rubygems) is assumed to be installed as seen by the ruby interpreter.
This package offers a pre-save hook, i.e., your ruby and erb files will be reformatted automatically before saving. To activate this feature, set:
"run_on_save": true,
The sublime command "beautify_ruby" performs a save after formatting. You can disable this default by setting:
"save_on_beautify": false
You can change the file patterns handled by this plugin in the settings:
"file_patterns": [ "\\.html\\.erb", "\\.rb", "\\.rake", "Rakefile", "Gemfile" ],
ctrl + cmd + k on OS X, or ctrl + alt + k on Windows
If your file turns blank you can configure your ruby interpreter under Preferences -> Package Settings -> BeautifyRuby -> Settings Default
I do
which ruby
and place that in the ruby setting.
On windows, set Preferences -> Package Settings -> BeautifyRuby -> Settings Default
"ruby": "ruby"
If you use project-specific rubies and gem sets managed with rvm
, then simply set
"ruby": "~/.rvm/bin/rvm-auto-ruby",
and then the htmlbeautify
gem is found even if it is only installed for this project.
Using Package Control, a package manager for Sublime Text 2.
In ST2, press "cmd + shift + p" and then type "install".
Once you see "Package Control: Install Package", enter.
When the packages load, another selection window will appear. Type
BeautifyRuby and enter. All done!
cd "~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 2/Packages/"
git clone git://github.com/CraigWilliams/BeautifyRuby.git