RunAt is a small library for the Arduino Platform to run a function at a given
timestamp. But it does'nt uses threads, instead it uses the main thread of the
microcontroller to run. Therefore you need to call run_at_loop()
in the loop
of you're code. This function iterates over all scheduled functions and runs
them if the timestamp is reached.
#include <RunAt.h>
void print_1() {
Serial.println("print 1");
void print_2() {
Serial.println("print 2");
void print_3() {
Serial.println("print 3");
void setup() {
run_at_function_in_millisec(print_1, 1000);
run_at_function_in_millisec(print_3, 3000);
run_at_function_in_millisec(print_2, 2000);
void loop() {