- FastAPI
- React Admin
- SQLAlchemy and Alembic
- Pre-commit hooks (black, autoflake, isort, flake8, prettier)
- Github Action
- Dependabot config
- Docker images
This is an example React + FastAPI + SQLAlchemy application which manages arbitrary items for users.
The frontend of this project uses React Admin (Tutorial).
docker-compose up -d
# Run database migration
docker-compose exec backend alembic upgrade head
# Create database used for testing
docker-compose exec postgres createdb apptest -U postgres
- Open Postman
- Hit Cmd-O (*nix) or Ctrl-O (Windows)
- Paste http://localhost:8196/api/v1/openapi.json and import the OpenAPI spec as a Postman collection
- On the left side, click the
User Item Management
collection - Click
and update thebaseUrl
variable to have aCurrent value
- Save the result
- In Postman, navigate in the
User Item Management
collection to api -> v1 -> auth -> jwt -. login. - In the
section, setusername
to[email protected]
- Execute the request
- Copy the contents of the
field in the response body - Navigate to api -> v1 -> users -> Get Users
- Click
- Paste the access token in the
field - Execute the request
Nice! We're done with the basic setup now.
User: [email protected]
Password: Password123!
- Backend OpenAPI docs: http://localhost:8196/docs/
- Frontend: http://localhost:3196
The backend setup of docker-compose is set to automatically reload the app whenever code is updated. However, for frontend it's easier to develop locally.
docker-compose stop frontend
cd frontend
yarn start
If you want to develop against something other than the default host, localhost:8196, you can set the REACT_APP_API_BASE
environment variable:
export REACT_APP_API_BASE=http://localhost:8196
yarn start
Don't forget to edit the .env
file and update the BACKEND_CORS_ORIGINS
value (add http://localhost:3196
to the allowed origins).
If you add a dependency, you'll need to rebuild your containers like this:
docker-compose up -d --build
If you need to re-create the database volume from scratch:
docker-compose down
docker volume rm interview-engineer-software_app-db-data
docker-compose up -d --build
Instead of writing frontend API client manually, OpenAPI Generator is used. Typescript bindings for the backend API can be recreated with this command:
yarn genapi
# Apply latest changes (bootstraps the database with initial data)
docker-compose exec backend alembic upgrade head
docker exec -ti postgres psql -d app -U postgres
The Backend
service uses a hardcoded database named apptest
. First, ensure that it's created
docker-compose exec postgres createdb apptest -U postgres
Then you can run tests with this command:
docker-compose run backend pytest --cov --cov-report term-missing
Add a new endpoint accessible via /users/valid
which returns only "valid" users.
For the sake of the interview, let's make up a definition of "valid" as follows:
Valid: The email domain of the user is accessible via an HTTP request (e.g. for gmail, a GET / to gmail.com returns 200)
Create some tests that verify the expected behavior.
Submit a pull request back to the repo for evaluation.
If anything goes wrong creating the pull request, zip up the files and send them to [email protected].