- LibLazyCrafting
- LibAddonMenu-2.0
- LibPrice
- LibCharacterKnowledge
- LibSets
- (Optional) uses any of Master Merchant, Arkadius' Trade Tools, Tamriel Trade Centre for material price data.
- (Optional) HomeStationMarker shows markers over the crafting stations for any enqueued writs.
- Is a master writ worth doing?
- Does this character have the required skills?
- Have enough required materials?
- Want to craft it automatically?
Most writs consume less than 1000g worth of materials for each writ voucher they return. But some consume 2000g+ materials per voucher and might not be worth doing.
Shopping guild stores for Master Writs? What is the per-voucher cost of a writ, including both materials and purchase price?
This add-on adds text to each Master Writ's tooltip, showing the total material cost, purchase price (if any), and the cost per writ voucher reward.
Shopping guild stores for master writs?
WritWorthy adds a filter to sirinsidiator's AwesomeGuildStore. Lets you filter on the WritWorthy-calculated cost per voucher, which includes both material and purchase cost.
Not interested in writs that you cannot craft?
This add-on shows big red warnings when writ requires a motif, trait, or recipe that the current character does not yet know.
It also shows orange warnings for missing skills that are not required, but which reduce the cost of expensive writs, such as Resin Expertise.
(No, WritWorthy does not check inventory for required materials, or space to hold the the crafted item. I assume a master crafter can handle their own inventory management.)
WritWorthy adds a material list to a writ's tooltip, showing any missing materials in red.
There is an option to show only missing materials if you don't want to waste half of the tooltip box listing materials you already have.
Type /writworthy mat
to show a list of materials required to craft all queued writs. Show all required materials, or just the few that you lack and need to acquire.
- Bind a key to "Show/Hide WritWorthy" or type
in chat. - Use that key binding to see a list of all Sealed Master Writs in the current character's inventory.
- Check the ones you want to craft automatically next time the character visits the appropriate crafting station. Or "Enqueue All" if you want to craft them all.
- "Sort by Station" to see which crafting stations you need to visit.
- Walk up to a station, 'E' interact, and watch Dolgubon's LibLazyCrafter make your items.
- Wait patiently while the automatic crafting occurs. If you cancel interaction while still auto-crafting, you might end up auto-crafting an item twice, wasting materials. There is no indication for "all done". Sorry.
- Once you have crafted items for your writs, you can open them, accept their quest, and the quest will automatically advance to "Turn in".
Automatic crafting requires that the appropriate cost-reduction skills have been maxed out: Temper Expertise, Chef, Brewer, or Chemistry.
WritWorthy can use HomeStationMarker to show markers over the stations that you need to visit in order to craft queued master writs.
- Dolgubon for LibLazyCrafting
- Baetram for DE translation