Making desitions is dificult, and nowdays to decide between a printed and web portfolio is extremely hard concerning the time we spent doing more interesting things.
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let's try do both by doing an online portfolio that you can print directly from your browser
lots of people still like to print stuff.
I would like them to print my online portfolio directly from their browser
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The endeavour of creating a portfolio is to generate the right questions concerning your practice and what is it that makes your work unique(or not). Take a piece of paper and try to write about each of your works( profesional or personal) the good things and bad things about it and what did you learn from them, in that way you analyse in more practical way what is the main topics that are manifested in your work and in that way create an speech about your work in the past and how you see it coming in the future based in the expectations and subjects that you think you have to explore.
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Once you know your future and past works design create a simple design get an A4 and sketch how you think your printed portfolio will look like. DO NOT try to make each project to look different but find a system that can showcase your work similarly. WHY?Because Web-to-print techniques are hard and simple things will save you time from learning difficult codes to get what you want.
The internet was first conceptualised on paper and now is time to show that they are good working together. Think of a logical structure and order for your website
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The learning curve of some coding languages can be stiff, so try to divide your website in to easily achievable objectives.If not you may fall in doing this project longer than needed and you will spent precious time looking at references that you may not need.