FOS-Streaming -- Free IPTV panel for streaming video content
This version will not be updated in the future. We have a new repository and version:
- login with a shell client(example putty.exe)
- wget
- chmod 755
- ./
- [DATABASE] Edit your config.php (Database connection)
- [DATABASE] Create database tables
- Normal install (first install) URL: http://host/install.php?install
- Fresh install (clean database) URL: http://host/install.php?install=fresh
- [BACKEND] Go to the website and login with username: admin and password: admin
Login with a shell client
- wget
- chmod 755 ./
- ./
Required to update database without losing data Go to the next urls:
- http://host/install.php?install (will add new tables)
- http://host/install.php?update (updates your tables)
- You may charge for installation, support and modification.
- You may Any significant modifications must be sent back to the author (me), under Open Source agreement.
- You may not Rename the plugin.
- You may not sell this plugin to anyone.
Contribution are always welcome and recommended! Here is how:
- Fork the repository (here is the guide).
- Clone to your machine
git clone
- Make your changes
- Create a pull request
- When you contribute, you agree to give a non-exclusive license to Tyfix to use that contribution in any context as we (Tyfix) see appropriate.
- If you use content provided by another party, it must be appropriately licensed using an open source license.
- Contributions are only accepted through Github pull requests.
Fos-Streamining is an open source project by [Tyfix]( that is licensed under MIT. Tyfix reserves the right to change the license of future releases.
- [NEXT UPDATE] Mag devices
- [NEXT UPDATE] Watermark
- [NEXT UPDATE] UBUNTU (Streaming issue by some people) PHP?
- Bandwidth monitoring
- removal panel
- users connected
- GEO ip
- Limit users
- Monitoring
- Settings (restart nginx)
- settings.php (HLS folder)
- UBUNTU (Streaming issue by some people) PHP?
- *30-8-2015
- [UPDATE] mass start/stop streams
- [UPDATE] users (last viewed channel)
- [UPDATE] backups stream url
- *29-8-2015
- [UPDATE] mass delete streams
- [UPDATE] id based streams
- [UPDATE] less secure streaming
- [UPDATE] id based streams
- [UPDATE] m3u and E2 (clients)
- [UPDATE] Whoops page (debug)
- [UPDATE] expire date
- [UPDATE] Bulk playlist insert (m3u)
- *28-8-2015
- [UPDATE] [BETA] Transcoding
- [UPDATE] Last ip connected
- [UPDATE] Improved streaming
- [UPDATE] h264_mp4toannexb
- [UPDATE] Play stream
- *23-8-2015
- [UPDATE] [installation] auto set web ip
- [UPDATE] Displaying warnings en errors (example: users add(create category first message, users view(no users, shows "add users" message)
- [UPDATE] Settings (port change, change nginx config)
- [UPDATE] install database
- [BUG] getfile (m3u and tv fix)
- [BUG] start stream( restream starts ffmpeg ) fixed
- [BUG] Stream.php (Enigma2) fixed
Donations are greatly appreciated!