A code runner plugin written and configured in lua for Neovim
Install with lazy.nvim
{ 'zerogtiger/TargetFile.nvim', dependencies = { 'numToStr/FTerm.nvim' }, },
Install with packer.nvim
use { 'zerogtiger/TargetFile.nvim', requires = { 'numToStr/FTerm.nvim', -- required for floating window option }, },
comes with sane defaults. However, it does not ship with any filetype specific compilation or execution commands.
To set up compilation and execution commands for a file type, pass in the supported_languages
field into setup()
function. Reference the placeholder strings in the list below
: full file path%fen
: full file path without file extension%fben
: full file path without file extension with build directory%fdb
: full file path without file name or extension with build directory%fn
: file name (without extension)
supported_languages = {
['.cpp'] = { -- file extension
name = 'C++', -- Language name
ext = '.cpp', -- file extension
compile_cmd = 'g++ -g -Wshadow -Wall -Wextra
--std=c++17 %fp -o %fben', -- compile shell command
execute_cmd = '%fben', -- execution shell command
['.c'] = {
name = 'C',
ext = '.c',
compile_cmd = 'gcc -g -Wshadow -Wall -Wextra -std=c99 %fp -o %fben',
execute_cmd = '%fben',
['.rs'] = {
name = 'Rust',
ext = '.rs',
compile_cmd = 'rustc %fp',
execute_cmd = '%fen',
Other configuration options and default values are shown below.
---Default size of window in lines/columns for horizontal/vertical splits
---(only application to non-float options)
---@type string
window_size = 60,
---Default window location (1: north; 2: east; 3: south; 4: west; 5: float)
---@type number
window_location = 2,
---(see above) File extensions and the corresponding compile/execute commands
---@type table
supported_languages = {},
---Leader key that triggers TargetFile keybindings. Set to <space>\ by default
---@type string
leader = [[<space>\]],
will use the path of the first buffer you open and treat that as the file to be compiled/executed by default.
): shows stored path -
): resets the stored path to the current active buffer's file path -
): prompts for a custom path to a file to be used as the stored path -
): attempts to execute the file (or compile executable) that's stored in the path -
): attempts to compile the file stored in the path -
): attempts to compile, and if successful, execute the file stored in the path -
): shows a short preview of the popup window -
): resets the window to the default size and location -
): shows the current specified window sizeNote: Window sizes are measured in rows for horizontal splits, and columns for vertical splits
): resets the default window size -
): prompts for a custom window size -
): shows current window location -
): resets the default window location -
): prompts for a custom window location
- default resets to user specified default
- Preview milisecodns
- Debug window settings
- Default window size for horizontal and vertical splits
- Close compile window automatically
- Swap locations of compile/execution windows
- Vim Docs