Goal: Make a new version of the Snek game that shows better organization, code quality, and use of Python/Pygame features.
Considering the following:
- Sound (✔️)
- Persistent Scoreboard
- Resizable window and graphics
- Curve piece?
- Animation on eat and grow (apple bump travels to end of snake)
- Two player mode
- AI mode
- Power-ups
- Different game modes
- Python>=3.11
- Pygame>=2.5.2
├── README.md <- The top-level README for this project.
├── app.py <- Entry point. Run this to start the game.
├── config.py <- global config file (minimum window size, default FPS)
├── utils.py <- load_image(), Color: Enum
├── zOLD.py <- previous code base (early learnings)
├── assets
│ ├── images <- snake and apple .pngs
│ └── sounds <- music and sound effects
│ ├── bg_music <- background music files (mp3)
│ └── sfx <- sound effects
├── classes
│ ├── elements <- UI elements (buttons, text)
│ └── objects <- game objects (snake, apple)
├─ scenes <- Loops for each scene space
│ ├── main_menu.py
│ ├── play_Snek.py
│ ├── options_menu.py
│ ├── (#TODO) game_over.py
│ └── (#TODO) leaderboard.py
└── .gitignore <- cache files and .vscode workspace settings (e.g. spellcheck, etc.)