Cypress-Demo1 (Cypress - Javascript)
- Clone the repository
- Open Visual Studio Code and open the project folder
- Open the VSC terminal
- After downloading/cloning the repository run: 'npm install' to download all components/plugins
- Execute: npm run cy:open
- To open Cypress console dashboard: npm run cy:open
- To run the TC's: npx cypress run The report will be in cypress/reports/index.HTML
- To run the cucumber TC's: npx cypress run --spec cypress/e2e/BDD/StorePage.feature --config-file cypress/config/cypress.cucumber.config.js -To create the result After the execution of the cucumber tests: node cucumber-html-report.js
- To run by environments: dev: npx cypress open --config-file cypress/config/ qa: npx cypress open --config-file cypress/config/ uat: npx cypress open --config-file cypress/config/cypress.uat.config.js prod: npx cypress open --config-file cypress/config/
- Javascript
- Cypress