A REPL cli client made in go for pitaya.
go get -u github.com/topfreegames/pitaya-cli
For cli flags, run pitaya-cli --help
$ pitaya-cli
Pitaya REPL Client
>>> help
clear clear the screen
connect connects to pitaya
disconnect disconnects from pitaya server
exit exit the program
help display help
notify makes a notify to pitaya server
push insert information of push return
request makes a request to pitaya server
sethandshake sets a handshake parameter
For connecting to a protobuffer server specify the documentation route with the -docs argument:
pitaya-cli -docs connector.docsHandler.docs
Protobuffer servers must implement handlers for protobuf descriptors and auto documentation.
A full example of running pitaya-cli with protobuffers:
pitaya-cli -docs connector.docsHandler.docs
>>> push connector.playerHandler.matchfound protos.FindMatchPush
>>> connect localhost:30124
>>> request connector.playerHandler.create
>>> request connector.playerHandler.findmatch {"RoomType":"xxxx"}
This example can be run with the pitaya-bot protobuffer testing example.
You can edit handshake parameters before connecting to the server.
You may pass the full handshake json:
Pitaya REPL Client
>>> sethandshake {"sys":{"clientVersion":"1.0.6", "clientBuildNumber":"999","platform":"ios"}}
Or edit one of three specific parameters:
Pitaya REPL Client
>>> sethandshake platform ios
>>> sethandshake buildNumber 999
>>> sethandshake version 1.0.6
It's possible to add a list of sequential requests into a file and pitaya-cli will execute them in order.
For example: commands.txt
connect localhost:3250
request connector.playerHandler.create
request connector.playerHandler.findmatch {"RoomType":"xxxx"}
Then run: pitaya-cli --filename commands.txt