Author: Meng Zhang ([email protected])
Author: Jianfeng An ([email protected])
Author: Danghui Wang ([email protected])
Date: 2017 April 9
Diagrams: ercesiMIPS wiki. If you have any questions, share it with us in our community chat room.
This repo has been put together to demonstrate a number of simple MIPS Processors written in Chisel.
Install Chisel (according to usb-bar chisel3)
- Install sbt Run the following from the terminal to install sbt in (Ubuntu-like) Linux.
echo "deb /" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/sbt.list
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv 2EE0EA64E40A89B84B2DF73499E82A75642AC823
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install sbt
- Install updated Verilator. Install dependencies:
sudo apt-get install git make autoconf g++ flex bison
Clone the Verilator repository:
git clone
In the Verilator repository directory, check out a known good version (You can skip the step if the latest version is statable.):
cd verilator
git pull
git checkout verilator_3_886
In Verilator directory, build and install:
cd verilator
sudo make install
Run the following from the terminal to clone lab resources.
cd ~/
git clone
A template ALU block has been presented in src/main/scala/SingleCycle/ALU.scala
with the tester in src/test/scala/SingleCycle/ALUtests.scala
. We borrowed the Launcher method from ucb-bar/chisel-tutorial.
A new argument for shell runner needs to be name in Launcher.scala
as the arguments of Map function:
object Launcher {
val tests = Map(
"ALU" -> { (backendName: String) =>
Driver(() => new ALU(), backendName) {
(c) => new ALUTests(c)
"ALU11" -> { (backendName: String) =>
Driver(() => new ALU11(), backendName) {
(c) => new ALU11Tests(c)
In which, "ALU"
is the argument for the shell runner, and ALU()
is denoted the instance class of DUT in ALUTests(c)
. Just add new argument for you own block class.
To test the ALU module with ALUtests, just input the following command in ercesiMIPS root directory.
./ ALU
If you still want to monitor its verification via waveform, just run this:
./ ALU
And the output .vcd
file can be monitored in gtkwave
program which could be install in Ubuntu-like Linux:
sudo apt-get install gtkwave
To test multicycle CPU with TopTests, just input the following command in ercesiMIPS root directory.
./ Top
If you still want to monitor multicycle's waveform, just run this:
./ Top