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[backport] docs: change svg benchmark tables appearance #7833

[backport] docs: change svg benchmark tables appearance

[backport] docs: change svg benchmark tables appearance #7833

Workflow file for this run

# Check commit and PR compliance
name: Check commit and PR compliance
name: Check commit and PR
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Check first line
uses: gsactions/commit-message-checker@16fa2d5de096ae0d35626443bcd24f1e756cafee
pattern: '^((feat|fix|chore|refactor|style|test|docs|doc)(\([\w\-_]+\))?\!?\:) .+$'
flags: "gs"
error: 'Your first line has to contain a commit type and scope like "feat(my_feature): msg".'
excludeDescription: "true" # optional: this excludes the description body of a pull request
excludeTitle: "true" # optional: this excludes the title of a pull request
checkAllCommitMessages: "true" # optional: this checks all commits associated with a pull request
accessToken: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} # github access token is only required if checkAllCommitMessages is true
- name: Check line length
uses: gsactions/commit-message-checker@16fa2d5de096ae0d35626443bcd24f1e756cafee
pattern: '(^.{0,74}$\r?\n?){0,20}'
flags: "gm"
error: "The maximum line length of 74 characters is exceeded."
excludeDescription: "true" # optional: this excludes the description body of a pull request
excludeTitle: "true" # optional: this excludes the title of a pull request
checkAllCommitMessages: "true" # optional: this checks all commits associated with a pull request
accessToken: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} # github access token is only required if checkAllCommitMessages is true
- name: Check commit signatures
uses: 1Password/check-signed-commits-action@ed2885f3ed2577a4f5d3c3fe895432a557d23d52