A little helper script to render .obj files (such as from the stanford shapenet database) with Blender.
Tested on Linux, but should also work for other operating systems. By default, this scripts generates 30 images by rotating the camera around the object. Additionally, depth, albedo and normal maps are dumped for every image.
To render a single .obj
file, run
blender --background --python render_blender.py -- --output_folder /tmp path_to_model.obj
To render a whole batch, you can e. g. use the unix tool find:
find . -name *.obj -exec blender --background --python render_blender.py -- --output_folder /tmp {} \;
To speed up the process, you can also use xargs to have multiple blender instances run in parallel using the -P
find . -name *.obj -print0 | xargs -0 -n1 -P3 -I {} blender --background --python render_blender.py -- --output_folder /tmp {}
Here is one chair model rendered with 30 different views: