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a tale of the same API written in lots of languages

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Aka - create the same thing few times and check how fast it is. And then refactor and refactor again.

I was curious if there's any difference between the same API implementation in different languages - therefore, I present to you Agnostic API! (I know, it might not be the best name ever).

Two APIs

The initial model was only to test the Read/Write actions using the DB, but after a chat with a friend, I came to realisation, that this is rather stupid - the differences in performance won't be that big to even care (we'll see) and also - you can tweak the performance of each API to be superfast.

Therefore, small change of plans. There will be two APIs - one CRUD with DB (in this case Mongo), second one: --To-Be-Updated-- probably get the request, kick off encryption on something and formulate JSON and return to the client.

First API

Second API

What is the model

model: User

Firstname: string
Lastname: string
Age: integer


GET /users - Gets all the users

GET /users/?firstname={firstname}&lastname={lastname} - Gets user with firstname and lastname

POST /users - Create a new user

PUT /users/?firstname={firstname}&lastname={lastname} - Update a user with firstname and lastname

DELETE /users/?firstname={firstname}&lastname={lastname} - Delete a user with firstname and lastname

Routes are specifically designed to not to use Id. This gives an extra flavour to the task as not often you have to look for something using two parameters in the route. Probably, in phase V, I will implement the API with Id as a param, not as a query.

And yes, it's not truly RESTful. It's not the goal here though.


  • Phase I - Implement the API using languages from table below with MongoDB connection.

  • Phase II - Implement Docker images for every language (to make the startup nicer) and docker-compose to run all the API's on different ports simultaneously.

  • Phase III - Create performance checker using either Go or Python (or both actually). The idea is to shoot request to each API within 5 second intervals and to check the performance of every endpoint from API's consumer point of view.

  • Phase IV - Implement the API using languages from table below with PostgreSQL connection.

  • Phase IV - Reimplement Docker and tweak phase III if needed.

  • Phase V - Implement second API (probably with streams to check file uploads) and do everything again.

To get all the phases done it'll probably take some time but - that's a long-term project here as well.

There might be a case, that phases I - III will happen all at the same time - to monitor the performance from the very start. And also - phases might differ from language to language - it might happen, that writing CRUD API in one of the languages belwo might be impossible to do - then, the phases will move.

Languages used in this repo

  • Empty - not done
  • I - in progress
  • X - done

Major Players

Language MongoDb PostgreSQL Encryption Notes
NodeJS X
Go X
Python X
Java X
C# I (Basically done, unable to compile on my Mac)

Second League

Language MongoDb PostgreSQL Encryption Notes
F# I (Small issues)
C++ (Will definitely move to big players pot)
Rust I
Ruby I

Can I add my own submission?

Create a pull request with your language submission according to the model.

Create a folder with your language name in the root directory, add mongo and psql folders and start digging!


a tale of the same API written in lots of languages






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