This plugin consisted of 3 rules converts Vue global filter settings into exports.
- Those who want to automatically migrate pre-Vue2 code using filters to Vue3 as a transition period to the composition API
- Code written in options API
- Those who have registered global filters in one file
Sorry, this plugin won't work if you use filters like below
const { filterX } = this.$options.filters
const { filters } = this.$options
const { $options } = this
Convert global filter
import Vue from 'vue';
import def, { numeric } from '~/utils/Strings';
import dollar, { yen, euro } from '~/utils/Money';
Vue.filter('stringDefaultFilter', def);
Vue.filter('percent', (value: string) => `${value}%`);
(value: string) => `${numeric(value)}`,
Vue.filter('dollar', dollar);
Vue.filter('yen', yen);
Vue.filter('eur', euro);
Vue.filter('func', function(xxx: string) {
return `xxx${xxx}xxx`;
import def, { numeric as _numeric } from '~/utils/Strings';
import dollar, { yen, euro } from '~/utils/Money';
export const stringDefaultFilter = def;
export const percent = (value: string) => `${value}%`;
export const numeric = (value: string) => `${_numeric(value)}`;
export { dollar };
export { yen };
export const eur = euro;
export function func(xxx: string) {
return `xxx${xxx}xxx`;
Convert filters in vue files.
- convert pipe to function call
- convert this.$options.filters to this
- move local filters to methods
- import used filters as functions from path to filters
<p>{{ x.y.z | localFilterA }}</p>
<p>{{ id[0] | localFilterB }}</p>
<p>{{ $options.filters.filterA(prop) | localFilterC }}</p>
<p>{{ prop | localFilterA | filterB }}</p>
<p>{{ methodFilter(prop) }}</p>
<p :id="id | idFilter">XXX</p>
<p :id="$options.filters.idFilter2(id) | localIdFilter">XXX</p>
<p :id="$options.filters.idFilter3(id)">XXX</p>
<script lang="ts">
import Vue from 'vue';
export default Vue.extend({
filters: {
localFilterA(value: string): string {
return value.toUpperCase();
localFilterB(value: number): string {
return value.toString();
localFilterC(obj: { [key: string]: string }): string {
const texts = Object.entries(obj).reduce((acc: string[], [k, v]) => {
acc.push(`${k}: ${v}`);
return acc;
}, []);
return texts.join('\n');
localIdFilter(id: string): string {
return id.slice(0, 5);
methods: {
methodFilter(x: string): string {
return this.$options.filters.importedFilter(x);
<p>{{ localFilterA(x.y.z) }}</p>
<p>{{ localFilterB(id[0]) }}</p>
<p>{{ localFilterC(filterA(prop)) }}</p>
<p>{{ filterB(localFilterA(prop)) }}</p>
<p>{{ methodFilter(prop) }}</p>
<p :id="idFilter(id)">XXX</p>
<p :id="localIdFilter(idFilter2(id))">XXX</p>
<p :id="idFilter3(id)">XXX</p>
<script lang="ts">
import Vue from 'vue';
import { filterA, filterB, idFilter, idFilter2, idFilter3, importedFilter } from 'path/to/filters.ts';
export default Vue.extend({
methods: {
methodFilter(x: string): string {
return this.importedFilter(x);
localFilterA(value: string): string {
return value.toUpperCase();
localFilterB(value: number): string {
return value.toString();
localFilterC(obj: { [key: string]: string }): string {
const texts = Object.entries(obj).reduce((acc: string[], [k, v]) => {
acc.push(`${k}: ${v}`);
return acc;
}, []);
return texts.join('\n');
localIdFilter(id: string): string {
return id.slice(0, 5);
Install Eslint
at first.
npm install -D eslint
Next, intall this plugin.
npm install -D eslint-plugin-destroy-vue-filter
Make 2 rc files (one is for Phase 1, the other is for Phase2) and write settings below
"plugins": ["destroy-vue-filter"],
"rules": {
"destroy-vue-filter/convert-filter": 1,
"destroy-vue-filter/resolve-callee": 1
"plugins": ["destroy-vue-filter"],
"rules": {
"destroy-vue-filter/destroy-filter": ["error", "<file where global filters registered>"]
Add script to your package.json
, if you need.
"scripts": {
"convert-filter": "eslint -c <rc file for Phase 1> --fix",
"destroy-filter": "eslint -c <rc file for Phase 2> --fix **/*.vue"
Run this plugin
$ npm run convert-filter -- <vue file where global filters registered>
$ npm run destroy-filter