Additional tests that add to those in Smack's Integration Test Framework.
To run tests, follow the instructions as provided in Smack's Integration Test Framework.
This is an example Run/Debug configuration (which you can use in Intellij):
- Main class:
- VM options:
-Dsinttest.service=laptop-guus -Dsinttest.adminAccountUsername=admin -Dsinttest.adminAccountPassword=admin -Dsinttest.securityMode=disabled -Dsinttest.enabledTests=PubSubIntegrationTest
Running a configuration like this will make the PubSubIntegrationTest tests run against an XMPP server running on the XMPP domain 'laptop-guus', using an administrator account that has as username/password: admin/admin.
This is the most basic configuration that you can use to run tests against a locally installed Openfire server. Obviously, change laptop-guus
for the hostname of your laptop!