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Xun is a web framework built on Go's built-in html/template and net/http package’s router (1.22).


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Xun is a web framework built on Go's built-in html/template and net/http package’s router. It is designed to be lightweight, fast, and easy to use. Xun provides a simple and intuitive API for building web applications, while also offering advanced features such as middleware, routing, and template rendering.

Xun [ʃʊn] (pronounced 'shoon'), derived from the Chinese character 迅, signifies being lightweight and fast.

Tests Codecov Go Report Card Go Reference GitHub Release License PRs welcome


  • Works with Go's built-in net/http.ServeMux router that was introduced in 1.22. Routing Enhancements for Go 1.22.
  • Works with Go's built-in html/template. It is built-in support for Server-Side Rendering (SSR).
  • Built-in response compression support for gzip and deflate.
  • Built-in Form and Validate feature with i18n support.
  • Built-in AutoTLS feature. It automatic SSL certificate issuance and renewal through Let's Encrypt and other ACME-based CAs
  • Support Page Router in StaticViewEngine and HtmlViewEngine.
  • Support multiple viewers by ViewEngines: StaticViewEngine, JsonViewEngine and HtmlViewEngine. You can feel free to add custom view engine, eg XmlViewEngine.
  • Support to reload changed static files automatically in development environment.

Getting Started

See full source code on xun-examples

Install Xun

  • install latest commit from main branch
go get
  • install latest release
go get

Project structure

Xun has some specified directories that is used to organize code, routing and static assets.

  • public: Static assets to be served.
  • components A partial view that is shared between layouts/pages/views.
  • views: An internal page view that can be referenced in context.View to render different UI for current routing.
  • layouts: A layout is shared between multiple pages/views
  • pages: A public page view that will create public page routing automatically.
  • text: An internal text view that can be referenced in context.View to render with a data model.

NOTE: All html files(component,layout, view and page) will be parsed by html/template. You can feel free to use all built-in Actions,Pipelines and Functions, and your custom functions that is registered in HtmlViewEngine.

Layouts and Pages

Xun uses file-system based routing, meaning you can use folders and files to define routes. This section will guide you through how to create layouts and pages, and link between them.

Creating a page

A page is UI that is rendered on a specific route. To create a page, add a page file(.html) inside the pages directory. For example, to create an index page (/):

└── app
    └── pages
        └── index.html


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
    <div id="app">hello world</div>

Creating a layout

A layout is UI that is shared between multiple pages/views.

You can create a layout(.html) file inside the layouts directory.

└── app
    ├── layouts
    │   └── home.html
    └── pages
        └── index.html


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
    {{ block "content" .}} {{ end }}


{{ define "content" }}
    <div id="app">hello world</div>
{{ end }}

Static assets

You can store static files, like images, fonts, js and css, under a directory called public in the root directory. Files inside public can then be referenced by your code starting from the base URL (/).

NOTE: public/index.html will be exposed by / instead of /index.html.

Creating a component

A component is a partial view that is shared between multiple layouts/pages/views.

└── app
    ├── components
    │   └── assets.html
    ├── layouts
    │   └── home.html
    ├── pages
    │   └── index.html
    └── public
        ├── app.js
        └── skin.css


<link rel="stylesheet" href="/skin.css">
<script type="text/javascript" src="/app.js"></script>


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
    {{ block "components/assets" . }} {{ end }}
    {{ block "content" .}} {{ end }}

Text View

A text view is UI that is referenced in context.View to render the view with a data model.

NOTE: Text files are parsed using the text/template package. This is different from the html/template package used in pages/layouts/views/components. While text/template is designed for generating textual output based on data, it does not automatically secure HTML output against certain attacks. Therefore, please ensure your output is safe to prevent code injection.

Creating a text view

└── app
    ├── components
    │   └── assets.html
    ├── layouts
    │   └── home.html
    ├── pages
    │   └── index.html
    └── public
    │   ├── app.js
    │   └── skin.css
    └── text
        ├── sitemap.xml

Render the view with a data model

	app.Get("/sitemap.xml", func(c *xun.Context) error {
		return c.View(Sitemap{
			LastMod: time.Now(),
		}, "text/sitemap.xml") // use `text/sitemap.xml` as current Viewer to render

curl --header "Accept: application/xml, text/xml,text/plain, /" -v

*   Trying
* Connected to ( port 80
> GET /sitemap.xml HTTP/1.1
> Host:
> User-Agent: curl/8.7.1
> Accept: application/xml, text/xml,text/plain, */*
* Request completely sent off
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Date: Wed, 15 Jan 2025 11:51:56 GMT
< Content-Length: 277
< Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<urlset xmlns="">
* Connection #0 to host left intact

Building your application


Route Handler

Page Router only serve static content from html files. We have to define router handler in go to process request and bind data to the template file via HtmlViewer.


{{ define "content" }}
    <div id="app">hello {{.Data.Name}}</div>
{{ end }}


	app.Get("/{$}", func(c *xun.Context) error {
		return c.View(map[string]string{
			"Name": "go-xun",

NOTE: An /index.html always be registered as /{$} in routing table. See more detail on Routing Enhancements for Go 1.22.

There is one last bit of syntax. As we showed above, patterns ending in a slash, like /posts/, match all paths beginning with that string. To match only the path with the trailing slash, you can write /posts/{$}. That will match /posts/ but not /posts or /posts/234.

Dynamic Routes

When you don't know the exact segment names ahead of time and want to create routes from dynamic data, you can use Dynamic Segments that are filled in at request time. {var} can be used in folder name and file name as same as router handler in http.ServeMux.

For examples, below patterns will be generated automatically, and registered in routing table.

  • /user/{id}.html generates pattern /user/{id}
  • /{id}/user.html generates pattern /{id}/user
├── app
│   ├── components
│   │   └── assets.html
│   ├── layouts
│   │   └── home.html
│   ├── pages
│   │   ├── index.html
│   │   └── user
│   │       └── {id}.html
│   └── public
│       ├── app.js
│       └── skin.css
├── go.mod
├── go.sum
└── main.go


{{ define "content" }}
    <div id="app">hello {{.Data.Name}}</div>
{{ end }}


	app.Get("/user/{id}", func(c *xun.Context) error {
		id := c.Request.PathValue("id")
		user := getUserById(id)
		return c.View(user)

Multiple Viewers

In our application, a route can support multiple viewers. The response is rendered based on the Accept request header. If no viewer matches the Accept header, first registered viewer is used. For more examples, see the Tests.

curl -v
> GET / HTTP/1.1
> Host:
> User-Agent: curl/8.7.1
> Accept: */*
* Request completely sent off
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Date: Thu, 26 Dec 2024 07:46:13 GMT
< Content-Length: 19
< Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

curl --header "Accept: text/html; */*"

> GET / HTTP/1.1
> Host:
> User-Agent: curl/8.7.1
> Accept: text/html; */*
* Request completely sent off
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Date: Thu, 26 Dec 2024 07:49:47 GMT
< Content-Length: 343
< Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="/skin.css">
<script type="text/javascript" src="/app.js"></script>

    <div id="app">hello go-xun</div>



Middleware allows you to run code before a request is completed. Then, based on the incoming request, you can modify the response by rewriting, redirecting, modifying the request or response headers, or responding directly.

Integrating Middleware into your application can lead to significant improvements in performance, security, and user experience. Some common scenarios where Middleware is particularly effective include:

  • Authentication and Authorization: Ensure user identity and check session cookies before granting access to specific pages or API routes.
  • Server-Side Redirects: Redirect users at the server level based on certain conditions (e.g., locale, user role).
  • Path Rewriting: Support A/B testing, feature rollout, or legacy paths by dynamically rewriting paths to API routes or pages based on request properties.
  • Bot Detection: Protect your resources by detecting and blocking bot traffic.
  • Logging and Analytics: Capture and analyze request data for insights before processing by the page or API.
  • Feature Flagging: Enable or disable features dynamically for seamless feature rollout or testing.


	admin := app.Group("/admin")

	admin.Use(func(next xun.HandleFunc) xun.HandleFunc {
		return func(c *xun.Context) error {
			token := c.Request.Header.Get("X-Token")
			if !checkToken(token) {
				return xun.ErrCancelled
			return next(c)


	app.Use(func(next xun.HandleFunc) xun.HandleFunc {
		return func(c *xun.Context) error {
			n := time.Now()
			defer func() {
				duration := time.Since(n)

				log.Println(c.Routing.Pattern, duration)
			return next(c)

Multiple VirtualHosts

net/http package's router supports multiple host names that resolve to a single address by precedence rule. For examples

 mux.HandleFunc("GET /", func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {...})
 mux.HandleFunc("GET", func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {...})
 mux.HandleFunc("GET", func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {...})

In Page Router, we use @ in top folder name to setup host rules in routing table. See more examples on Tests

├── app
│   ├── components
│   │   └── assets.html
│   ├── layouts
│   │   └── home.html
│   ├── pages
│   │   ├──
│   │   │   └── index.html
│   │   ├── index.html
│   │   └── user
│   │       └── {id}.html
│   └── public
│       ├──
│       │   └── index.html
│       ├── app.js
│       └── skin.css

Form and Validate

In an api application, we always need to collect data from request, and validate them. It is integrated with i18n feature as built-in feature now.

check full examples on Tests

type Login struct {
		Email  string `form:"email" json:"email" validate:"required,email"`
		Passwd string `json:"passwd" validate:"required"`


	app.Get("/login", func(c *Context) error {
		it, err := form.BindQuery[Login](c.Request)
		if err != nil {
			return ErrCancelled

		if it.Validate(c.AcceptLanguage()...) && it.Data.Email == "[email protected]" && it.Data.Passwd == "123" {
			return c.View(it)
		return ErrCancelled


app.Post("/login", func(c *Context) error {
		it, err := form.BindForm[Login](c.Request)
		if err != nil {
			return ErrCancelled

		if it.Validate(c.AcceptLanguage()...) && it.Data.Email == "[email protected]" && it.Data.Passwd == "123" {
			return c.View(it)
		return ErrCancelled


app.Post("/login", func(c *Context) error {
		it, err := form.BindJson[Login](c.Request)
		if err != nil {
			return ErrCancelled

		if it.Validate(c.AcceptLanguage()...) && it.Data.Email == "[email protected]" && it.Data.Passwd == "123" {
			return c.View(it)
		return ErrCancelled

Validate Rules

Many baked-in validations are ready to use. Please feel free to check docs and write your custom validation methods.


English is default locale for all validate message. It is easy to add other locale.

  ut ""
  trans ""


xun.AddValidator(ut.New(zh.New()).GetFallback(), trans.RegisterDefaultTranslations)

check more translations on here


GZip/Deflate handler

Set up the compression extension to interpret and respond to Accept-Encoding headers in client requests, supporting both GZip and Deflate compression methods.

app := xun.New(WithCompressor(&GzipCompressor{}, &DeflateCompressor{}))


Use autotls.Configure to set up servers for automatic obtaining and renewing of TLS certificates from Let's Encrypt.

mux := http.NewServeMux()

app := xun.New(xun.WithMux(mux))


httpServer := &http.Server{
	Addr: ":http",

httpsServer := &http.Server{
	Addr: ":https",

		autotls.WithHosts("", "")).
	Configure(httpServer, httpsServer)

go httpServer.ListenAndServe()
go httpsServer.ListenAndServeTLS("", "")


Cookies are a way to store information at the client end. see more examples

Write cookie with base64(URL Encoding) to client

cookie.Set(ctx,  http.Cookie{Name: "test", Value: "value"}) // Set-Cookie: test=dmFsdWU=

Read and decoded cookie from client's request

v, err := cookie.Get(ctx,"test")

fmt.Println(v) // value

When signed, the cookies can't be forged, because their values are validated using HMAC.

ts, err := cookie.SetSigned(ctx,http.Cookie{Name: "test", Value: "value"},[]byte("secret")) // ts is current timestamp

v, ts, err := cookie.GetSigned(ctx, "test",[]byte("secret")) // v is value, ts is the timestamp that was signed

Delete a cookie

cookie.Delete(ctx, http.Cookie{Name: "test", Value: "dmFsdWU="}) // Set-Cookie: test=; Expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT; Max-Age=0


HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) is a simple and widely supported standard to protect visitors by ensuring that their browsers always connect to a website over HTTPS.

Redirect redirects plain HTTP requests to HTTPS. DON'T use it if HTTPs is unsupported on your server.


Write HSTS header if it is a HTTPs request. It is only applied in HTTPs request.


Proxy Protocol

The PROXY protocol allows our application to receive client connection information that is passed through proxy servers and load balancers. Both PROXY protocol versions 1 and 2 are supported.

How to use the Proxy Protocol to preserve a client's ip address?

Security Note: Do not enable the PROXY protocol on your servers unless they are located behind a proxy server or load balancer. If the PROXY protocol is enabled without such intermediaries, any client could potentially send fake IP addresses or other misleading information, posing a security risk.


	mux := http.NewServeMux()

	srv := &http.Server{
		Addr:    ":80",
		Handler: mux,

	app := xun.New(WithMux(mux))
	defer app.Close()

	//   srv.ListenAndServe() 


	httpsServer := &http.Server{
		Addr:    ":443",
		Handler: mux,

		autotls.WithHosts("", "")).
		Configure(srv, httpsServer)

  // httpsServer.ListenAndServeTLS( "", "") 
	proxyproto.ListenAndServeTLS(httpsServer, "", "") 


Logs each incoming request to the provided logger. The format of the log messages is customizable using the Format option. The default format is the combined log format (XLF/ELF).

Enable reqlog middleware

func main(){
  logger, _ := setupLogger()


func setupLogger() (*log.Logger, error) {
	logFile, err := os.OpenFile("./access.log", os.O_APPEND|os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY, 0644)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return log.New(logFile, "", 0), nil

func getVisitorID(c *xun.Context) string {
	v, err := c.Request.Cookie("visitor_id") // use fingerprintjs to generate visitor id in client's cookie
	if err != nil {
		return ""

	return v.Value

func getUserID(c *xun.Context) string {
	v, _, err := cookie.GetSigned(c, "session_id", secretKey)
	if err != nil {
		return ""

	return v

Install GoAccess to generate real-time analysis report

How to install GoAccess

goaccess ./access.log --geoip-database=./GeoLite2-ASN.mmdb --geoip-database=./GeoLite2-City.mmdb -o ./realtime.html --log-format=COMBINED --real-time-html

Serve the online real-time analysis report

	app.Get("/reports/realtime.html", func(c *xun.Context) error {
		http.ServeFile(c.Response, c.Request, "./realtime.html")
		return nil

CSRF Token

A CSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery) token is a unique security measure designed to protect web applications from unauthorized or malicious requests. see more examples

Enable csrf middleware

func main(){
  secretKey := []byte("your-secret-key")


Enable JsToken to prevent bot requests on POST/PUT/DELETE

  • enable csrf with JsToken
func main(){
  secretKey := []byte("your-secret-key")
  // ...
  • load csrf.js on html
<script type="text/javascript" src="/assets/csrf.js" defer></script>	

Access Control List (ACL)

The ACL filters and monitors HTTP traffic through granular rule sets, designed to protect web applications/APIs from malicious bots, exploit attempts, and unauthorized access.

Core Filtering Dimensions
  • Host-Based Filtering (AllowHosts)

    Restrict access to explicitly permitted domains/subdomains

  • IP Range Control (AllowIPNets/DenyIPNets)

    Allow/block traffic from specific IP addresses or CIDR-notated subnets. IPv4/IPv6 are both supported.

  • Geolocation Filtering (AllowCountries/DenyCountries)

    Permit/restrict access based on client geolocation

Enforcement Actions
  • Block unauthorized requests with 403 Forbidden status

  • Host Redirection (Conditional):

    When AllowHosts validation fails:

    • Redirect to HostRedirectURL
    • Use customizable HTTP status HostRedirectStatusCode (e.g., 307 Temporary Redirect)
Code Examples

see more examples


app.Use(acl.New(acl.AllowHosts("",""), acl.WithHostRedirect("", 302)))

Whitelist Mode by IPNets


Whitelist Mode by Countries

func lookup(ip string)string {
	db, _ := geoip2.Open("./GeoLite2-City.mmdb")
	nip := net.ParseIP(ip)

	c, _ := db.cityDB.City(nip)

	return c.CountryCode


Blacklist Mode by IPNets


Blacklist Mode by Countries

Config Example

The optimal solution is to load the rules from a configuration file rather than hard-coding them. The ACL system also monitors the configuration file for changes and automatically reloads the rules. see more examples

config file

# ::1  



use middleware with config


Server-Sent Events (SSE)

Server-Sent Events (SSE) is a server push technology enabling a client to receive automatic updates from a server via an HTTP connection.

use sse extension to handle SSE request

ss := sse.New()

app.Get("/topic/{id}", func(ctx *xun.Context)error {
	id := c.Get("SessionID").(string)
	s, err := ss.Join(c.Request.Context(), id, c.Response)
	if err != nil {
		return xun.ErrCancelled



	return nil

push an event to the user

u := ss.Get("user_id")
if u != nil {

broadcast an event to all users

ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 5*time.Second)
defer cancel()
ss.Broadcast(ctx, sse.TextEvent{
	Data:"Server is shutting down",

shutdown server and close all user connections


use htmx-ext-sse extension to send SSE request

<script src="" integrity="sha512-uROW42fbC8XT6OsVXUC00tuak//shtU8zZE9BwxkT2kOxnZux0Ws8kypRr2UV4OhTEVmUSPIoUOrBN5DXeRNAQ==" 
crossorigin="anonymous" referrerpolicy="no-referrer"></script>

<div class="w-full" hx-ext="sse" sse-connect="/topic/{id}" >

Deploy your application

Leveraging Go's built-in //go:embed directive and the standard library's fs.FS interface, we can compile all static assets and configuration files into a single self-contained binary. This dependency-free approach enables seamless deployment to any server environment.

//go:embed app
var fsys embed.FS

func main() {
	var dev bool
	flag.BoolVar(&dev, "dev", false, "it is development environment")


	var opts []xun.Option
	if dev {
		// use local filesystem in development, and watch files to reload automatically
		opts = []xun.Option{xun.WithFsys(os.DirFS("./app")), xun.WithWatch()}
	} else {
		// use embed resources in production environment
		views, _ := fs.Sub(fsys, "app")
		opts = []xun.Option{xun.WithFsys(views)}

	app := xun.New(opts...)

	defer app.Close()

	if dev {
		slog.Default().Info("xun-admin is running in development")
	} else {
		slog.Default().Info("xun-admin is running in production")

	err := http.ListenAndServe(":80", http.DefaultServeMux)
	if err != nil {

Works with tailwindcss

1. Install Tailwind CSS

Install tailwindcss via npm, and create your tailwind.config.js file.

npm install -D tailwindcss
npx tailwindcss init

2. Configure your template paths

Add the paths to all of your template files in your tailwind.config.js file.


/** @type {import('tailwindcss').Config} */
module.exports = {
  content: ["./app/**/*.{html,js}"],
  theme: {
    extend: {},
  plugins: [],

3. Add the Tailwind directives to your CSS

Add the @tailwind directives for each of Tailwind’s layers to your main CSS file.


@tailwind base;
@tailwind components;
@tailwind utilities;

4. Start the Tailwind CLI build process

Run the CLI tool to scan your template files for classes and build your CSS.

npx tailwindcss -i ./app/tailwind.css -o ./app/public/theme.css --watch

5. Start using Tailwind in your HTML

Add your compiled CSS file to the assets.html and start using Tailwind’s utility classes to style your content.


<link rel="stylesheet" href="/skin.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/theme.css">
<script type="text/javascript" src="/app.js"></script>

Works with htmx.js

1. Add new pages

pages/admin/index.html and pages/login.html

├── app
│   ├── components
│   │   └── assets.html
│   ├── layouts
│   │   └── home.html
│   ├── pages
│   │   ├──
│   │   │   └── index.html
│   │   ├── admin
│   │   │   └── index.html
│   │   ├── index.html
│   │   ├── login.html
│   │   └── user
│   │       └── {id}.html
│   ├── public
│   │   ├──
│   │   │   └── index.html
│   │   ├── app.js
│   │   ├── skin.css
│   │   └── theme.css
│   ├── tailwind.css

2. Serve htmx-ext.js library

The library to enable seamless integration between native JavaScript methods and htmx features, enhancing interactive capabilities without compromising core functionality.

	app.Get("/htmx-ext.js", htmx.HandleFunc())

3. Install htmx.js and htmx-ext.js


<link rel="stylesheet" href="/skin.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/theme.css">
<script src="[email protected]" integrity="sha384-HGfztofotfshcF7+8n44JQL2oJmowVChPTg48S+jvZoztPfvwD79OC/LTtG6dMp+" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/htmx-ext.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/app.js" defer></script>

4. Enabled htmx feature on pages


{{ define "content" }}
    <div id="app" class="text-3xl font-bold underline" hx-boost="true">

			{{ if .TempData.Session }}
				Hello {{ .TempData.Session }}, go <a href="/admin">Admin</>
			{{ else }}
        Hello guest, please <a href="/login">Login</a>	
			{{ end }}    

{{ end }}


{{ define "content" }}

<div class="flex min-h-full flex-col justify-center px-6 py-12 lg:px-8">
  <div class="sm:mx-auto sm:w-full sm:max-w-sm">
    <h2 class="mt-10 text-center text-2xl/9 font-bold tracking-tight text-gray-900">Sign in to your account</h2>

  <div class="mt-10 sm:mx-auto sm:w-full sm:max-w-sm">
    <form class="space-y-6" action="#" method="POST" hx-post="/login">
        <label for="email" class="block text-sm/6 font-medium text-gray-900">Email address</label>
        <div class="mt-2">
          <input type="email" name="email" id="email" autocomplete="email" required class="block w-full rounded-md bg-white px-3 py-1.5 text-base text-gray-900 outline outline-1 -outline-offset-1 outline-gray-300 placeholder:text-gray-400 focus:outline focus:outline-2 focus:-outline-offset-2 focus:outline-indigo-600 sm:text-sm/6">

        <div class="flex items-center justify-between">
          <label for="password" class="block text-sm/6 font-medium text-gray-900">Password</label>
        <div class="mt-2">
          <input type="password" name="password" id="password" autocomplete="current-password" required class="block w-full rounded-md bg-white px-3 py-1.5 text-base text-gray-900 outline outline-1 -outline-offset-1 outline-gray-300 placeholder:text-gray-400 focus:outline focus:outline-2 focus:-outline-offset-2 focus:outline-indigo-600 sm:text-sm/6">

        <button type="submit" class="flex w-full justify-center rounded-md bg-indigo-600 px-3 py-1.5 text-sm/6 font-semibold text-white shadow-sm hover:bg-indigo-500 focus-visible:outline focus-visible:outline-2 focus-visible:outline-offset-2 focus-visible:outline-indigo-600">Sign in</button>

{{ end }}


{{ define "content" }}
    <div id="app" class="text-3xl font-bold underline">
				Hello admin: {{ .Data.Name }}
{{ end }}

5. Setup Hx-Trigger listener


$x.ready(function(evt) {
	document.addEventListener("showMessage", function(evt){

6. Apply htmx interceptor

	app := xun.New(xun.WithInterceptor(htmx.New()))

7. Create router handler to process request

create an admin group router, and apply a middleware to check if it's logged. if not, redirect to /login.

	admin := app.Group("/admin")

	admin.Use(func(next xun.HandleFunc) xun.HandleFunc {
		return func(c *xun.Context) error {
			s, err := c.Request.Cookie("session")
			if err != nil || s == nil || s.Value == "" {
				c.Redirect("/login?return=" + c.Request.URL.String())
				return xun.ErrCancelled

			// set session in Context.TempData, 
			// and get it by `.TempData.Session on text/html template files
			c.Set("Session", s.Value)
			return next(c)

	admin.Get("/{$}", func(c *xun.Context) error {
		return c.View(User{
			Name: c.Get("session").(string),

	app.Post("/login", func(c *xun.Context) error {

		it, err := form.BindForm[Login](c.Request)

		if err != nil {
			return xun.ErrCancelled

		if !it.Validate(c.AcceptLanguage()...) {
			return c.View(it)

		if it.Data.Email != "[email protected]" || it.Data.Password != "123" {
			htmx.WriteHeader(c,htmx.HxTrigger, htmx.HxHeader[string]{
				"showMessage": "Email or password is incorrect",
			return c.View(it)

		cookie := http.Cookie{
			Name:     "session",
			Value:    it.Data.Email,
			Path:     "/",
			MaxAge:   3600,
			HttpOnly: true,
			Secure:   true,
			SameSite: http.SameSiteLaxMode,

		http.SetCookie(c.Response, &cookie)

    u, _ := url.Parse(c.RequestReferer())

		return nil


Contributions are welcome! If you're interested in contributing, please feel free to contribute to Xun


Apache-2.0 license


Xun is a web framework built on Go's built-in html/template and net/http package’s router (1.22).








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