第5回不思議のダンジョンシリーズRTAフェスというイベント用に作成したNodeCGのbundleです。 This is the NodeCG bundle used for the streaming overlay in Mystery Dungeon RTA FES 5.
npm install
docker compose up
- NodeCG: Main framework.
- nodecg-speedcontrol: NodeCG bundle for broadcast graphics framework/application.
- nodecg-vue-ts-template: Template for NodeCG bundles that use Vue.js and TypeScript.
- nodecg-spotify-widget: NodeCG layout bundle for showing spotify information.
- Icarus: Marathon official mascot design.
- bear: HTML/CSS coding.
- Kajiro: Graphics design, Setup background illust, Marathon official mascot design.
- Icarus: Marathon official mascot design.
- bear: HTML/CSS coding.
- isuZu: Marathon Logo.