Hyper IMU & HIMU-Server Help version 2.0
In this paragraph it is described one of the several solutions to set up a Network between your Android device and the Server (PC).
- Go in Settings from your Android Device
- Under the section Wireless & Networks, tap on More, then on Thetering & portable hotspot.
- In the Thetering & portable hotspot screen, tap on Set up Wi-Fi hotspot, then a box will appear.
- Choose the Network SSID (Service Set Identifier) as you prefer; it is pratically the name of the the new Network
- Specify a Security protocol as you want.
- Choose a network Password as you prefer.
Go in the Settings of your Computer and connect to the Network created above, specifying the Network SSID, the Security protocol and the Password defined in the previous steps.
The IP address of your Computer is necessary in order to allow the Android device to connect to your PC. It is composed up to 12 ciphers (example: 192.168.xxx.xxx). You can retrieve it after your Computer is connected to the Network.
In the command prompt, enter the command ipconfig /all and check for the IPv4 Address.
In the terminal enter the command ip addr show and check for the IPv4 Address.
After your Computer connected to the Network, in the terminal enter the command ifconfig and check for the IPv4 Address.
- Go to the settings screen in HyperIMU
- From the Stream Protocol select an Internet protocol (UDP or TCP)
- In the field IP address put the IP address of your PC
- in the field Port Number put a value of your choice.
Be sure that the corresponding port is not being used by the Operating System.
HyperIMU sends the data of the signals of the sensors by using the standard internet protocols UDP and TCP, or it stores all data inside a text File for an offline processing. The order of the sensors is the same as specified in the Settings of HyperIMU. The text file is saved in the device memory, and its name is composed by a prefix HIMU- followed by the time stamp. The first lines of the text file represent the header, which cointains some informations about acquisition (sampling time, sensors, timestamp...).
Data sent through the Stream are formatted as CSV (Comma Separated Value). At a time, all sensors' values are gathered into a single string and all values are separated by commas. HyperIMU samples three values per sensor, so for example, considering the case of three sensors, the string passed through the stream will be:
`0.123,0.586,0.2637,0.259,-0.5963,9.815,5.36,0.00,0.00 <CR><LF>`
where the values can be grouped as follows:
Sensor1 | Sensor2 | Sensor3 | end of line |
0.123 , 0.586 , 0.2637 | 0.259 , -0.5963 , 9.815 | 5.36 , 0.00 , 0.00 | [CR][LF] |
At the end of the CSV line it is inserted the symbols [CR][LF] or the char "#" (configurable option).
Timestamp and MAC address will be added at the very beginning of the packet, while GPS data (Latitude, Longitude, Altitude) and GPS NMEA sentences will be added at the end.
HIMU-Server offers code snippets for data acquisition via UDP, TCP and FILE protocols. It is possible to read the signals directly from the stream by using an instance of the class HIMUServer.py:
myHIMUServer = HIMUServer()
Configurations such as input buffer size, timeout and terminator symbol can be specified directly in the server constructor.
The last version of HIMU Server supports custom listeners, then you can define your custom one:
class SimplePrintListener:
def __init__(self, serverInstance):
self.__server = serverInstance
def notify (self, sensorData):
#simply printing all data strings
Then, add an instance of the listener to the HIMUServer object:
myListener = SimplePrintListener(myHIMUServer)
For launching TCP protocol, use
myHIMUServer.start("TCP", 2055)
For launching UDP protocol, use
myHIMUServer.start("UDP", 2055)
For File importing, use
myHIMUServer.start("FILE", "HIMU-file-path.csv")
HIMUServer is released under the MIT license.
HyperIMU and HIMUServer by Sebastiano Campisi - ianovir - Copyright © 2017