This App this for Solana Tokyo Hackathon Demo. Which easy, simple convert Sol to Fiat Visa just one lick.
It takes advantages of Solana fast transaction speed to make (nearly) realtime fiat virtual card issuance come true. Having said that, Solana in specific, is helping the whole Blochain ecosystem moving forward with more practical & useful application.
- Create a visa card with bank taking a long time and many requirements, step verify
- Lost a visa card how to return? (call to bank, not sure 100% return)
- Buy some service which you dont want bank know your transaction or some website which you cannot trust 100%
- Send Gifts to your friends, family, or you are the company and send to all your customers
- Create a visa card instantly just connect to your solana wallet
- Create multiple visa card with one same wallets, delete the visa card if you dont want to use
- Get back till 1% when you success create a new transaction or new card (you get our token is created based on solan, able to convert to solana)
- From backend side: using golang
npm install
# or
yarn install
Next, run the development server:
npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.
This Solana-fiat dApp wallet has these following features:
Wallet Integration with Auto Connec / Refresh
Web3 Js: Examples of one or more uses of web3 js including a transaction with a connection provider
Notifications (optional): Example of using a notification system
It is based on Next js Scaffold and proactively expanded with exchanger & virtual card issuance script folders.
├── public : publically hosted files
├── src : primary code folders and files
│ ├── components : should house anything considered a resuable UI component
│ ├── contexts` : any context considered reusable and useuful to many compoennts that can be passed down through a component tree
│ ├── hooks` : any functions that let you 'hook' into react state or lifecycle features from function components
│ ├── models` : any data structure that may be reused throughout the project
│ ├── pages` : the pages that host meta data and the intended `View` for the page
│ ├── stores` : stores used in state management
│ ├── styles` : contain any global and reusable styles
│ ├── utils` : any other functionality considered reusable code that can be referenced
│ ├── views` : contains the actual views of the project that include the main content and components within
style, package, configuration, and other project files
Anyone is welcome to create an issue to build, discuss or request a new feature or update to the existing code base. Please keep in mind the following when submitting an issue. We consider merging high value features that may be utilized by the majority of scaffold users. If this is not a common feature or fix, consider adding it to the component library or cookbook. Please refer to the project's architecture and style when contributing.
If submitting a feature, please reference the project structure shown above and try to follow the overall architecture and style presented in the existing scaffold.
- Support other blockchain like DOT
- Create our own token base on solana
- Support stake in our wallet
- Revert your visa balance to Sol if you dont want to use visa card any more.
- Support solana pay (dont need to use visa card, still able to pay)