<img src=“https://badge.fury.io/rb/ncase.svg” alt=“Gem Version”>
The usual.
gem install ncase
Enforces the chosen case style on a string and writes it to the standard output.
% ncase --pascal-case this is a test string ThisIsATestString % ncase --lower-case ThisIsATestString this is a test string
By default, enforces the random case.
% ncase this is a test string ThiS IS A tesT stRINg
If no string is specified, processes the standard input line by line.
% cat input.txt ThisIsATestString THIS_IS_ANOTHER_TEST_STRING This is yet another test string % ncase --snake-case <input.txt this_is_a_test_string this_is_another_test_string this_is_yet_another_test_string
Module {Ncase} contains convenience methods for all supported case styles.
require "ncase" p Ncase.pascal("this is a test string") # => "ThisIsATestString" p Ncase.upper_snake("ICannotReadThis") # => "I_CANNOT_READ_THIS"
Class {Ncase::Words} implements efficient conversion of a string into multiple case styles.
require "ncase" w = Ncase::Words.new("this is a test string") p w.pascal_case # => "ThisIsATestString" p w.inver_title_case # => "tTHIS iS a tEST sTRING"