UUID generator and utilities for Elixir. See RFC 4122.
The latest version is 1.0.0
and requires Elixir ~> 1.0
. New releases may change this minimum compatible version depending on breaking language changes. The changelog lists every available release and its corresponding language version requirement.
Releases are published through hex.pm. Add as a dependency in your mix.exs
defp deps do
[ { :uuid, "~> 1.0" } ]
Generated using a combination of time since the west adopted the gregorian calendar and the node id MAC address.
iex> UUID.uuid1()
Generated using the MD5 hash of a name and either a namespace atom or an existing UUID. Valid namespaces are: :dns
, :url
, :oid
, :x500
, :nil
iex> UUID.uuid3(:dns, "my.domain.com")
iex> UUID.uuid3("5976423a-ee35-11e3-8569-14109ff1a304", "my.domain.com")
Generated based on pseudo-random bytes.
iex> UUID.uuid4()
Generated using the SHA1 hash of a name and either a namespace atom or an existing UUID. Valid namespaces are: :dns
, :url
, :oid
, :x500
, :nil
iex> UUID.uuid5(:dns, "my.domain.com")
iex> UUID.uuid5("fcfe5f21-8a08-4c9a-9f97-29d2fd6a27b9", "my.domain.com")
All UUID generator functions have an optional format parameter as the last argument.
Possible values: :default
, :hex
, :urn
. Default value is :default
and can be omitted.
is a standard UUID representation:
iex> UUID.uuid1()
iex> UUID.uuid4(:default)
iex> UUID.uuid3(:dns, "my.domain.com")
iex> UUID.uuid5(:dns, "my.domain.com", :default)
is a valid hex string, corresponding to the standard UUID without the -
(dash) characters:
iex> UUID.uuid4(:hex)
is a standard UUID representation prefixed with the UUID URN:
iex> UUID.uuid1(:urn)
Use UUID.info!/1
to get a keyword list containing information about the given UUID. An ArgumentError
is raised if the argument is not a valid UUID string.
iex> UUID.info!("870df8e8-3107-4487-8316-81e089b8c2cf")
[uuid: "870df8e8-3107-4487-8316-81e089b8c2cf",
binary: <<135, 13, 248, 232, 49, 7, 68, 135, 131, 22, 129, 224, 137, 184, 194, 207>>,
type: :default,
version: 4,
variant: :rfc4122]
iex> UUID.info!("8ea1513df8a14dea9bea6b8f4b5b6e73")
[uuid: "8ea1513df8a14dea9bea6b8f4b5b6e73",
binary: <<142, 161, 81, 61, 248, 161, 77, 234, 155, 234, 107, 143, 75, 91, 110, 115>>,
type: :hex,
version: 4,
variant: :rfc4122]
iex> UUID.info!("urn:uuid:ef1b1a28-ee34-11e3-8813-14109ff1a304")
[uuid: "urn:uuid:ef1b1a28-ee34-11e3-8813-14109ff1a304",
binary: <<239, 27, 26, 40, 238, 52, 17, 227, 136, 19, 20, 16, 159, 241, 163, 4>>,
type: :urn,
version: 1,
variant: :rfc4122]
Use UUID.string_to_binary!/1
to convert a valid UUID string to its raw binary equivalent. An ArgumentError
is raised if the argument is not a valid UUID string.
iex> UUID.string_to_binary("870df8e8-3107-4487-8316-81e089b8c2cf")
<<135, 13, 248, 232, 49, 7, 68, 135, 131,
22, 129, 224, 137, 184, 194, 207>>
iex> UUID.string_to_binary("8ea1513df8a14dea9bea6b8f4b5b6e73")
<<142, 161, 81, 61, 248, 161, 77, 234, 155,
234, 107, 143, 75, 91, 110, 115>>
iex> UUID.string_to_binary("urn:uuid:ef1b1a28-ee34-11e3-8813-14109ff1a304")
<<239, 27, 26, 40, 238, 52, 17, 227, 136,
19, 20, 16, 159, 241, 163, 4>>
Use UUID.binary_to_string!/2
to convert valid UUID binary data to a String representation, with an optional format similar to the generator functions above. An ArgumentError
is raised if the argument is not valid UUID binary data.
iex> UUID.binary_to_string(<<135, 13, 248, 232, 49, 7, 68, 135, 131,
22, 129, 224, 137, 184, 194, 207>>)
iex> UUID.binary_to_string(<<142, 161, 81, 61, 248, 161, 77, 234, 155,
234, 107, 143, 75, 91, 110, 115>>, :hex)
iex> UUID.binary_to_string(<<239, 27, 26, 40, 238, 52, 17, 227, 136,
19, 20, 16, 159, 241, 163, 4>>, :urn)
Some code ported from avtobiff/erlang-uuid.
Some helper functions from rjsamson/hexate.
Copyright 2014-2015 Andrei Mihu
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.