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A framework focus on building configurable server service easily


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Xin is a framework focus on building configurable server service easily

It relies on many other fantastic repo as low-level implementation ,thanks for their author's work!

At a glance

HTTP server service

assume the following codes in example.go

package main

import (
    xhttp ""

var configString = `
# app envirment
env = "dev"
#env = "release"

# http server setting

//HttpDemoService Demo http service
type HttpDemoService struct{}

//RegisterRouter xhttp.ServerInterface implement
func (s *HttpDemoService) RegisterRouter(e *gin.Engine) error {
    e.Use(gin.Logger(), gin.Recovery())

    e.GET("/ping", func(c *gin.Context) {
        c.JSON(200, gin.H{
            "message": "pong",
    return nil

//InitializeHTTPServer define an instance of  xhttp.InitializeServerFunc
func InitializeHTTPServer() (xhttp.ServerInterface, error) {
    configLoader := xin.NewStringConfigLoader(configString, "toml")
    config := xin.NewConfig(configLoader, nil)
    //init toml config from a string

    env := xin.NewEnvSetting(config)
    return xhttp.NewServer(env, config, &HttpDemoService{}), nil

func main() {
    httpCmd := xhttp.NewHTTPCmd(InitializeHTTPServer)

    rootCmd := &cobra.Command{}
# run the demo and visit on browser
$ go run example.go http

Getting Start


xin require go 1.13+

$ go get -u

Command line

xin use cobra to implement app command line entry

xin provide some out-of-the-box subcommand generator such as

Add subcommands into a cobra Command makes the application flexible

import (
    xhttp ""


func main() {
    httpCmd := xhttp.NewHTTPCmd(InitializeHTTPServer)
    versionCmd := xin.NewVersionCmd("v0.1.0-dev")

    rootCmd := &cobra.Command{}

read this doc for more usage about cobra

# call version subcommand to get application version
$ go run example.go version

Using config

Config is something could not be decided while coding or something should be assigned later.

A config can be in many form (file、string and so on) and have many type (jsonyamltoml).

Xin provide a config struct base on viper .

type Config struct{
func NewConfig(configloader ConfigLoader, configVerifier ConfigVerifier) *Config
//  create a new xin config
config := xin.NewConfig(configLoader,nil)

A config need a ConfigLoader and an optional ConfigVerifier

A ConfigLoader define how to load config

type ConfigLoader interface {
    LoadConfig(vc *viper.Viper) error

You can use your own config loader if you need . For convenience, xin provide several config loader

// load config from file
fileConfigLoader := xin.NewFileConfigLoader("another_config.toml","toml")
fileConfigLoader := xin.NewFileConfigLoader("another_config.json","json")

// load config from string
stringConfigLoader := xin.NewStringConfigLoader(configString, "toml")

Config should call Initbefore realy use , or there will be a panic

config := xin.NewConfig(configLoader,nil)
err := config.Init()

use the viper instance to get config setting, read this doc for more usage about viper

v := config.Viper()
httpListen := v.GetString("http.listen")
env := v.GetString("env")

HTTP server

The concept of http server in xin is a generator of net/http.Server.

Watch these definition in xin/http :

//package xin/http
import (

//ServerInterface a server can provide http server
type ServerInterface interface {
    // provide the http server service
    GetHTTPServer() *http.Server

//InitializeServerFunc an init http Server function gives the posibility for dependence inject
type InitializeServerFunc func() (ServerInterface, error)

//NewHTTPCmd Get a cobra command start http server
func NewHTTPCmd(getServer InitializeServerFunc) *cobra.Command

You can get a cobra command which can start http server by calling NewHTTPCmd

You need to provide a function to tell xin how to get the http server , beware the server we are talking about is a ServerInterface

Using xin http Server

Xin has an ServerInterface implementation : xin/http.Server , it use gin as a low-level implementation

import (

//Service http service interface
type Service interface {
    // register route and middleware into gin engine
    RegisterRouter(*gin.Engine) error
//ServerConfig config provide HTTP server setting
type ServerConfig interface {
    HTTPListen() string

//NewServer Create a new HTTP server
func NewServer(env xin.Envirment, config ServerConfig, service Service) *Server

Interface Service register router and middleware into gin engine, you should implement your own service to complete the app.

xin.Envirment and ServerConfig are interface too , you can implement your own ,or you can use xin.EnvSetting and xin.Config directly

demo is an usage example

middlewares and tools for RESTful API

gin has already provide a good RESTful api develop experience , still we have to deal some annoying things

xin provide some handy middlewares and tools to make life easier

API response status

http status code often unable to meet our needs for api response status,for many times we need to give more detailed error code to let our client be able to handle subsequent logic

xin provide a solution to this scenario:

All api response body will return a status code and an optional error message like this

// return with http code 200
  "status": 200
// return with http code 400
  "status": 1400,
  "err_msg":"Bad api call"

we stipulate http code equal to status code mod 1000 ( status%1000 )

for example, we can have api return status code 1400、 2400、11400 ... with http code 400 (Bad Request) or 1403,5403 ... with http code 403(Forbidden)

To enable this feature in xin , first you should use WrapAPI middleware in service RegisterRouter

import (
  mw ""
type HttpDemoService struct{
   Env     xin.Envirment
func (s *HttpDemoService) RegisterRouter(e *gin.Engine) error {
    e.Use(gin.Logger(), gin.Recovery())

    wrapAPIMiddleware := mw.XinRESTfulWrap(s.Env)

    return nil
func PingHandle(c *gin.Context) {
func PingErrorHandle(c *gin.Context) {

then you can write api handle in this form

import (
func PingHandle(c *gin.Context) {
        "message": "pong",

func PingErrorHandle(c *gin.Context) {
     api.SetStatus(1400).SetErrorf("A Bad Request").Apply(c)

the api respone should be

# curl localhost:8080/ping
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Date: Sun, 02 Feb 2020 09:52:01 GMT
Content-Length: 32


# curl -i localhost:8080/pingerror
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Date: Sun, 02 Feb 2020 09:58:27 GMT
Content-Length: 41

{"status":1400,"err_msg":"A Bad Request"}


Management of database connection config is one of my original intentions to develop xin,but it's not very ideal for now。

I failed to design a proper interface that can adapt all sql driver

Let's take xorm which is used default by xin as an example to introduce how to use xin.Config for database connection management

Notice: following example need build tag usexorm : go run -tags=usexorm example.go

Assume we have two postgresql connection foo and bar in following config.toml

    driver = "postgres"
    enable_log = true
        source = "host=foo.postgresql.url port=5432 user=FOODBADMIN dbname=FOODB password=FOOPASSWD sslmode=disable"
        source = "host=bar.postgresql.url port=5432 user=BARDBADMIN dbname=BARDB password=BARPASSWD sslmode=disable"

Use xorm sql service

package main

import (
    db ""
func main() {
    // init config
    configLoader := xin.NewFileConfigLoader("config.toml", "toml")
    config := xin.NewConfig(configLoader, nil)
    // init xorm service
    xorm := db.NewXormService(config)
    // singleton load xorm engine of connection foo 
    fooDBEngine,err := xorm.Engine("foo")
    if err != nil {
    // fooDBEngine is an opened xorm.Engine 
    err = fooDBEngine.Ping()
    if err != nil {
    // singleton load xorm engine of connection bar
    barDBEngine,err := xorm.Engine("bar")
    if err != nil {
    var sliceOfStructs []Struct
    err := barDBEngine.Find(&sliceOfStructs)


A framework focus on building configurable server service easily







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