Script to move windows from one monitor to the next in Xubuntu
Even though I don't use Xubuntu anymore, people are still interested in this script. Sweet! Glad it can help others.
I mapped ctrl+alt+n
to exectute this script.
chmod +x move-to-previous-monitor
mv move-to-previous-monitor /somewhere/in/your/$PATH
# Xubuntu 18.04
sudo apt install xdotool wmctrl
# Xubuntu 16.04
sudo apt-get install xdotool
# Arch based (Manjaro / Endeavour OS)
sudo pacman -S xorg-xwininfo
sudo pacman -S xdotool
sudo pacman -S wmctrl
We have one, and you're expected to follow it.
Since I don't use Xubuntu and therefore don't have a way to test changes, I'm going to rely on others to QA and give me feedback.
- icyrock post for initial development
- @jordansissel for his excellent xdotool