Works only for kitty terminal, in Wayland or Xorg
Insert the two lines of code below in the preview_img
Clears the previous shown image.
kitty +kitten icat --clear --silent --transfer-mode=stream
Shows the current image.
kitty +kitten icat --silent --transfer-mode=stream \
--place=$thumb_width\x$thumb_height@$thumb_x\x$thumb_y $IMAGE
If you want to disable ueberzug you have to comment out the ueberzug functions in user_selection
user_selection () {
elif [ "$show_thumbnails" -eq 1 ] ; then
dep_ck "ueberzug" "fzf" # dep_ck "fzf"
# ueberzug_start
# ueberzug_stop
And remove the check for the $FIFO file in the parse_opt
U) preview_img "$optarg"; exit;
# U) [[ -p "$FIFO" ] && preview_img "$optarg"; exit;