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Usage Instructions

Aaron Edwards edited this page Dec 10, 2016 · 1 revision

For help and information on installing plugins you can view our Installing WordPress Plugins Manual. Important: Support for Events & Notes has been discontinued by Facebook. They have also changed how Apps are created. Please see the Recent Changes section at the bottom of this page for details. Before you can use the Ultimate Facebook Plugin on any site you will need to create a Facebook Application and use the API and Secret Key from that Application to activate the plugin. If you are not familiar with the process see this fabulous guide by one of our members.


Check out our introductory video to help get you started with Ultimate Facebook. You can watch the entire series in this playlist on YouTube. Select the “Playlist” at the bottom of the video frame for more videos, or choose the videos from this list here:

  1. Introduction to Ultimate Facebook
  2. The Front-End Interface
  3. How to Create a Facebook App
  4. Configuring the Settings
  5. Like Button and Open Graph Settings
  6. Facebook Comments and Autoposting
  7. Using Shortcodes
  8. Ultimate Facebook Widgets
  9. Multisite Settings
  10. Conclusion and Thank You

Network Settings

You will need to Network Enable Ultimate Facebook if you are using a Multisite Install, you will see a new menu appear on the Network Admin Dashboard once you do so. If you are using Ultimate Facebook on a Network you'll want to address the following settings first in the Network Admin (if you are not using it on a Multisite Install you can skip on down)

Network Settings

These check-boxes are your options that will determine if your subsites will use the API information you set on the Network Admin Ultimate Facebook Settings. You will need to pay special attention that you enable your sites to use the Network API in the Facebook API Settings section if you do decide to force or enable the option.


Plugin Settings

Once you have successfully added your API and Secret Key you will see a green check above the entry boxes for the keys and a note of success. Should there be an issue with your entry or lack of connection the green check will be a red "x" and the note will change.


Once you click "Save" or "Move on to the Next Step" you will see the next Meta box open for Granting Extended Permissions. Extended Permissions gives the plugin permission to access your account upon your command even when you're not around (like when you want to Auto-Post). You don't need to do anything special for this part, just click the button to "Grant Extended Permissions". You'll see a note of success after this has been completed successfully.

Extended Permissions

Facebook Connect

Click to go to the next step. You are presented with a Facebook Connect Settings menu. Here you will decide if and how your users will use Facebook to connect to your site. Going through the options you'll see the Mapping Feature, this will allow you to map the signup info into the User Profile of the registrant. This will also work with BuddyPress enabled and will map to any Custom Profile fields you have created in BuddyPress. There is no special option to use BuddyPress here, the plugin will detect if BuddyPress is active or not.


The Identity Renewal option will give your users the option to Map their info to their site profile (with or without BuddyPress) on demand. Once you're done with the Facebook Connect settings you can move on by clicking Save.

Facebook Like/Send Button

Next up is the Facebook Like/Send Button settings. Here you can determine what, if anything, you want folks to be able to "LIKE" on your site or Send to Facebook. By default you the Like and Send will show on all posts and pages (including Custom Post Types) so you'll need to check the type to exclude if you want to remove it from a particular page.


You will see the option to manually position your button with the shortcode [wdfb_like_button]. You can find more information about the shortcode by clicking through Facebook>Shortcodes. Once Done, click Save and move on!

Facebook Open Graph

Moving along to Facebook Open Graph. Here you can control what it is that folks see when others Like stuff on your site or Send said stuff to Facebook. You need to choose whether to enable it by checking the box, then set your image url's accordingly.


If you want to add more information you can add your own OpenGraph items. Facebook has a list of Bult-In Object Types you can use here. You can visit the Facebook Technical Guide to Open Graph to learn more. You will also notice an Open Graph meta box on your Post Editor Page, for ease of using custom Open Graph Settings per post.


Save or skip to go to the next meta box...

Facebook Comments

Facebook Comments allows you to import comments made on the posts that you share to Facebook. It will only import the comments from Facebook to your WordPress, not from WordPress to your Facebook. Note you can reverse the checking logic for your import list when selecting which items to skip importing from. Checking the reverse logic box means you'll check those that you want to import from, not those you want to skip importing from. Also note "Override WordPress discussion settings" this will override ANY WordPress settings you have for comments and make Facebook Comments your exclusive comment item.


AutoPost to Facebook

Last but not least, Auto Post to Facebook gives you the option to have every post on your site go directly to Facebook. This requires Extended Permissions. Just select the location and user for each type of item listed and the resulting posts/pages/media/events will all be sent accordingly. You will also find two handy items here: 1 ) Show post Facebook status column: this gives you a status on if the post has been sent to Facebook. You may need to change the Screen Options to make sure you can see this column on the Posts Menu.


  1. _Do not allow individual posts to Facebook _ disables the option to send an individual post to Facebook in the Post Editor.


If you do NOT have AutoPosting enabled your users will see the following in the Post Editor underneath the content meta box. Checking this option will remove this box for your users, but not the Admin.

Individual Posts

The remaining menu items are:

Widget Pack:

checking any of these will enable a new widget in your Appearance>Widget menu

  • Facebook Connect
  • Facebook Albums
  • Facebook Facepile
  • Facebook Like Box
  • Facebook Recommendations
  • Facebook Activity Feed
  • Facebook Recent Comments
  • Facebook Dashboard Widget (for users to grant extended permissions)

Flexible options for displaying. Use the parameters provided to display

  • Like Button
  • Connect with Facebook
  • Facebook Albums
Error Log:

Lists any errors encountered by the plugin. These are especially helpful when troubleshooting and should be referred to and sent along with any other relevant information when submitting a support ticket.

Recent Changes


From version 2.7.1 of Ultimate Facebook, autoposting of events & notes is no longer available. This is due to changes in the Facebook API. More information can be found in their changelog here:

Creating your app

Although Facebook has changed the way apps are handled, you do not need to submit an app for approval in order to use it with our Ultimate Facebook plugin. When creating your app, under "Settings", simply select "Website" as the platform, enter your App Domains ( & Site URL (, and your contact email. Then under "Status and Review", make it public.

UltimateFacebook App Settings

When creating your app, you may get a warning like the one seen in the image below. One of the devs over at Facebook has assured us that you can safely ignore it, as you are the only one actually using the app. Ultimate Facebook App Warning