Production ready Orchestration Framework to manage product lifecycle and workflows. Easy to use, Built on top of FastAPI
Can be found here
This project can be installed as follows:
Install the core.
pip install orchestrator-core
Create a postgres database:
createuser -sP nwa
createdb orchestrator-core -O nwa
When using multiple workers, you will need a redis server for live updates with websockets.
By default it will use memory which works with only one worker.
For the redis connection you need to set the env variable with the connection url.
export WEBSOCKET_BROADCASTER_URL="redis://localhost:6379"
Websockets can also be turned off with:
If you want to use pickle for CACHE serialization you will need to set the CACHE_HMAC_SECRET
NOTE: The key can be any length. However, the recommended size is 1024 bits.
Create a
from orchestrator import OrchestratorCore
from orchestrator.cli.main import app as core_cli
from orchestrator.settings import AppSettings
app = OrchestratorCore(base_settings=AppSettings())
if __name__ == "__main__":
OrchestratorCore comes with a graphql interface that can to be registered after you create your OrchestratorApp.
If you add it after registering your SUBSCRIPTION_MODEL_REGISTRY
it will automatically create graphql types for them.
More info can be found in docs/architecture/application/
from orchestrator import OrchestratorCore
from orchestrator.settings import AppSettings
app = OrchestratorCore(base_settings=AppSettings())
Initialize the migration environment.
PYTHONPATH=. python db init
PYTHONPATH=. python db upgrade heads
Profit :)
Authentication and authorization are default enabled, to disable set OAUTH2_ACTIVE
to False
uvicorn --reload --host --port 8080 main:app
Visit to view the api documentation.
To add features to the repository follow the following procedure to setup a working development environment.
Install the project and its dependencies to develop on the code.
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install flit
!!! danger
Make sure to use the flit binary that is installed in your environment. You can check the correct
path by running
shell which flit
To be sure that the packages will be installed against the correct venv you can also prepend the python interpreter that you want to use:
flit install --deps develop --symlink --python venv/bin/python
Run the unit-test suite to verify a correct setup.
createuser -sP nwa
createdb orchestrator-core-test -O nwa
pytest test/unit_tests
or with xdist:
pytest -n auto test/unit_tests
If you do not encounter any failures in the test, you should be able to develop features in the orchestrator-core.
If you are working on a project that already uses the orchestrator-core
and you want to test your new core features
against it, you can use some flit
magic to symlink the dev version of the core to your project. It will
automatically replace the pypi dep with a symlink to the development version
of the core and update/downgrade all required packages in your own orchestrator project.
python - m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install flit
flit install --deps develop --symlink --python /path/to/a/orchestrator-project/venv/bin/python
So if you have the core and your own orchestrator project repo in the same folder and the main project folder is
and you want to use relative links, this will be last step:
flit install --deps develop --symlink --python ../orchestrator/venv/bin/python
When your PR is accepted you will get a version number.
You can do the necessary change with a clean, e.g. every change committed, branch:
bumpversion patch --new-version 0.4.1-rc3
When you would like to change the core database schema, execute the following steps.
- Create the new model
cd orchestrator/migrations
alembic revision --autogenerate -m "Name of the migratioin"