Download latest version of Node.js:
Install all dependencies: npm install
Run locally: npm start
The application will run on http://localhost:3333
One can change the default port in
Download latest version of Node.js:
Install all dependencies: npm install
Build the application: npm run build
Run application using some server:
Install server
npm i http-server
Run server
npm http-server ./
Run the docker container: docker-compose up
The application runs at http://localhost:3000
One can configure the port editing the file or using direct run from Dockerfile:
docker build -t lbd-vis .
docker run -p 1234:80 lbd-vis
The initial view of the application loads a sample graph.
Clicking Upload ifc file
button opens new window allowing for import one or more IFC files.
After uploading, files are ready to set
After loading user might custom following options:
BOT =>
Parse to BOT -
FSO =>
Parse to FSO -
Parse to PRODUCTS -
Normalize SI units =>
Normalize values to SI units according to documentation of IFC-LBD -
Verbose =>
verbose mode
Clicking on blur closes the window without saving the changes.
Allows for removing an imported file
After appling all settings click Load and merge
to start using the data.
Before every reload the database is prune, that is why you can freely change the settings. However, the button triggers following actions
- Parse all models to LBD format
- Connects models spaces and levels using
predicate - Adds all triples to TripleStore
In the following panel you can query the database. It doesn't allow user to sent two exactly the same query one by one. That is why one has to change anything or add an empty row in the end of the input.
Try sample queries:
CONSTRUCT {?s ?p ?o} WHERE { ?s ?p ?o . FILTER(?p = <>) }
CONSTRUCT {?s ?p ?o} WHERE { ?s ?p ?o . FILTER(?o = <>) }
Always use !!!CONSTRUCT!!!
Tapping at a node highlights it and all connected elements. Holding shift
while clicking turns on modifier allowing for selection of multiple nodes
Double click triggers an action loading from db all neighbour elements of clicked node.
Right click on a node triggers an action removing nodes and edges being only connected with clicked node
Clicking at image icon download current view of the graph
Click at download icon triggers an action of downloading all parsed information in form of ttl
To be continued