USAGE: bokeh serve --show --args leduc3 P1 diff cfr_RM_la_alt cfr_RM+_la_alt
- the game to analyze
- [kuhn,leduc3,leduc5]
- the player infosets we want to look at
- [P1,P2]
- the metric to sort the infosets by (will be adding to this!)
- [diff, square, reachIterate=]
- the names of algorithms you want to compare, all w/ 500 iterates
- [cfr_RM_la_alt, cfr_RM+_la_alt, cfr_RM_la_nalt, cfr_RM+_la_nalt, cfr_RM_nla_alt, cfr_RM+_nla_alt, cfr_RM_nla_nalt, cfr_RM+_nla_nalt, strategies_egt_as (kuhn and leduc3 only), strategies_cfrplus (kuhn and leduc3 only) ]
- sorting by average sum of squared difference compared to last iterates
- choose how to sort the iterates
- whether algorithms converge to the same thing
- consider convergence speed of the two algorithms (comparing integrals)
- always put the worst first
- absolute difference of final strategies
- optional sub-sampling
- default: no sub-sampling
- add option for log scale
- contact Gabriele/Christian to make powerpoints of interesting results
- Python (2.7+ or 3.6+)
- pycosat
- PyYaml
- Requests
- Anaconda
- holoviews
- param >=1.5, <2.0