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William Silva edited this page Aug 16, 2017 · 6 revisions

Project Prototype

Description of Prototype

Welcome to the rough prototype for the Movie Index. Currently, functionality for anonymous users is limited and the application expects all users to be logged in. Additionally, there is no security, styling is limited, and some features will be expanded.

A user is capable of registering and logging in. Once logged in, a user sees their profile. At their profile, a user is capable of modifying their profile fields such as email, first name, and last name. On their profile, a user sees the following:

  • Who the user is following
  • Who is following the user
  • Products purchased by the user
  • Products that the user is selling
  • Movies that the user has liked
  • Reviews that the user has posted

Movie Search

A user is capable of searching for movies by clicking "Search for Movies". They then enter a search page where they can enter a search term for a movie title. After searching, a list of movies will appear and the user can click on the movie title to navigate to a details page.

At the details page, movie information is displayed including the movie title, tagline, poster, overview, release date, cast, and any trailers. Here, the user can click "Like Movie" or "Un-like" movie to like the movie or un-like it if they have already liked it. At the bottom of the page, users can write reviews saying if they recommend the movie or not as well as some text. All reviews for the movie are shown on this page. Additionally, all products being sold for the movie by other users are on this page. A user can click "Buy" on a product to purchase the product. If the product has already been bought, it will show up as "Purchased". Note that the system of buying products will be expanded to be more useful.

User Search

At the profile page, users can click on "Search for Users" to search for users. This brings up the user search page. Users can enter in a search term to search for users by username. A list of users will appear and by clicking on a user's name, you can see the user's profile page. At a user's profile page, you can see who the user is following, who is following the user, what movies they have liked, and a list of their reviews. At this page, you can also click "Follow user" to follow this user.

Sell Mode

At the profile page, users can click on "Enter Sell Mode" to go to the Sell home page. At this page, they can see a list of products they have for sale and they can delete them. Users can list a product to be sold by clicking on "Sell a product". They will then be asked "What movie do you want to sell a product for?" with a search bar. They can search for a movie title and select a movie from the list that appears. After doing so, they will be asked to enter in category, description, price, and imageUrl information. After clicking "Post product", their product will be shown on anyone who goes to look at the details page for that movie.

Login, Register, Profile URLs





User to user relation

  • Users can follow other users
    • You can login as 'alice' with password 'alice' to see that alice follows po. alice is also being followed by po and bob. If you would like to try following a user yourself, please register at!/register and log in. Then, search for users using the "Search for Users" button on the profile page. You can search for 'alice', 'bob', or 'po' to see their profile pages. Once you are at their profile page, you can click the "Follow user" button to follow them. If you refresh their profile page, you will see your user is listed as following them. Additionally, navigate back to your profile page using the navbar header. You will see that you are listed as following that user on your profile page. Currently, only the mongo ID of that user is shown rather than the username.

User to domain object relation

  • Users can like a movie
    • You can login as 'alice' with password 'alice' to see that alice likes the movies Batman and Barbie. If you want to like a movie yourself, please register/login at!/register and log in. Then, search for a movie using the "Search for Movies" button. Search for a movie title and then click on the movie title that appears to go to the movie details page. On the movie details page, click on the "Like movie" button to like the movie. If you use the navbar to go back to the profile page, you will see that movie in your list of liked movies. You can click on the movie title in your list of liked movies to navigate to the details page for that movie.
  • Users can review a movie
    • You can login as 'alice' with password 'alice' to see that alice has left reviews for movies. They are visible from her profile page as well as anyone who goes to the detail pages for these movies. She has left a positive review for Batman but left a negative review for The Emoji Movie. If you want to review a movie yourself, please register/login at!/register and log in. Then, search for a movie and go to the details page. Near the bottom of the page, you can write a review and say if you recommend it or not. Then you can click "Submit Review". It will immediately show up on the list of reviews on the details page for that movie. Additionally, if you navigate back to your profile page using the navbar header, you will see that review in your list of reviews.
  • Users can sell products for a movie
    • You can login as 'alice' with password 'alice' to see that alice has two products listed. Her Batman products is marked as "Not sold" while po has purchased her "Spirited Away" movie product. If you want to sell a product for a movie yourself, please register/login at!/register and log in. Click on "Enter Sell Mode" to go to the selling page. Click on "Sell a product" and enter the movie you would like to sell a product for. After clicking on the movie, enter the product information and submit it. The selling home page will list the product you have for sale and you can delete it with the delete button. Additionally, if you go back to your profile page using the navbar header, you will see a list of products you have for sale and if anyone has purchased them.
  • Users can buy Products from other users (could also be considered a user-user relation)
    • You can login as 'po' with password 'po' to see that po has purchased a Spirited Away Blu-ray from alice. If you want to purchase a product yourself, please register/login at!/register and log in. Click on "Search for Movies" and search for Spirited Away. At the Spirited Away details page, you will see that bob is selling a Spirited Away DVD at the bottom of the page. Click on "buy" and you will be able to buy the DVD. When you navigate back to your Profile page, you will see it in your list of purchased items.