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Simple Chat window: the starter point to build your own chat, in seconds


  • Very simple api chat window
  • Multiple chat in the same view
  • auto scroll on new message
  • load more button
  • optional beep on new message


Working demo


Demo source



$ meteor add cesarve:simple-chat 


just paste the template

{{>SimpleChatWindow roomId=<roomId> username=<username> name=<name> avatar=<avatar> limit=<limit> showViewed=<showViewed>  showJoined=<showJoined> publishChats=<publishChats> allow=<allow> custom=<custom>}}  


  • <roomId>: required, plain string or function return a unique id for each room ,
  • <username>: required, plain string or function return a string with unique user id or user name or any unique identifier ,
  • <name>: optional, plain string or function return a string with display name, default username value
  • <avatar>: optional,plain string or function return a string avatar image source
  • <limit>: optional number fot limit the last "n" messages for subscription, default 50
  • <beep>: optional boolean emit sound on new message, default false
  • <showViewed>: optional boolean for showing or not when the messages are viewed (like whatsapp). Default false (this feature can use a lot of server resource), default false
  • <showReceived>: optional boolean for showing or not when the messages are received (like whatsapp) (this feature can use a lot of server resource), default false
  • <showJoined>: optional boolean for showing message when some user join to a room, default false
  • <publishChats>: optional function return true for allow publish message, or false to deny this function receive as arguments (roomId, limit) and context is publish context, default return true
  • <allow>: optional function return true for allow insert new message or false to deny, this function receive as argumetns (message, roomId, username, avatar, name) and context is methods context, default return true
  • <custom>: optional any custom value
  • <loadMore>: text for load more button default 'Load More'
  • <placeholder>: text for input placeholder default 'Type message...'
  • <button>: text for button submit default 'Send'
  • <join>: text for message Join default 'Join to'
  • <left>: text for message left default 'Left the'
  • <room>: text for message Room defaut 'room'

Note: this values can be a literal a helper or template data


{{>SimpleChatWindow roomId="free room" username=this.username limit=limit}}
//roomIn is a literal
//username is data template
//limit is a helper

Configure Globally

//somewhere in both (client and  server) 
import {SimpleChat} from 'meteor/cesarve:simple-chat/config'

SimpleChat.configure ({
        loadMore: 'Load More',
        placeholder: 'Type message ...',
        button: 'send',
        join: 'Join to',
        left: 'Left the',
        room: 'room at'

    limit: 5,
    beep: true, 
    showViewed: true,
    showReceived: true,
    showJoined: true,
    publishChats: function(roomId, limi){ //server
       //here the context is the same for a Publications, that mean you have access to this.userId who are asking for subscribe.
       // for example
       return isLoggedAndHasAccessToSeeMessage(this.userId)
    allow: function(message, roomId, username, avatar, name){
       //here the context is the same for a Methods, thats mean you hace access to this.userId also
       // for example
       return isLoggedAndHasAccessSendMessages(this.userId)
        return true
    onNewMessage:function(msg){  //both
    onReceiveMessage:function(id, message, room){ //server
    onJoin:function(roomId, username, name,date){  //server
    onLeft:function(roomId, username, name,date) { //server

this options can be overwrite individually on {{>SimpleChatWindow roomId=<roomId> username=<username> avatar=<avatar> limit=<limit> showViewed=true showJoined= true publishChats=publishChats allow=allow}} cd simple- as you saw below


Chat html was taken from with direct chat widget

Icons :


To for give us a free licences of their amazing softwares


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the starter point to build your own chat, in seconds







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