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Implement active flag in SCIM (#1158)
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* Add active flag to SCIM user

* Implement tests and calls to brig
  Involved exposing some types in brig that were internal before.

* Remove misguided TODO.

* Promote NOTE to TODO; make it clear which line it belongs to.

* Scim onboarding: handle all AccountStatus values reasonably.

* Clarifying comment.

* Fix test case docs.

* Better mapping: scim active flag <-> AccountStatus.
  both more correct (does not fail on valid requests) and
  more readable, maintainable.

* Cleanup.

* Fix account status mapping for bogus ephemeral case.

Co-authored-by: Matthias Fischmann <[email protected]>
  • Loading branch information
arianvp and fisx authored Jul 9, 2020
1 parent d12b48b commit 26f339b
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Showing 6 changed files with 219 additions and 39 deletions.
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions libs/brig-types/src/Brig/Types/Intra.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
module Brig.Types.Intra
( AccountStatus (..),
AccountStatusUpdate (..),
AccountStatusResp (..),
ConnectionStatus (..),
UserAccount (..),
UserSet (..),
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -63,6 +64,15 @@ instance ToJSON AccountStatus where
toJSON Deleted = String "deleted"
toJSON Ephemeral = String "ephemeral"

data AccountStatusResp = AccountStatusResp AccountStatus

instance ToJSON AccountStatusResp where
toJSON (AccountStatusResp s) = object ["status" .= s]

instance FromJSON AccountStatusResp where
parseJSON = withObject "account-status" $ \o ->
AccountStatusResp <$> o .: "status"

newtype AccountStatusUpdate = AccountStatusUpdate
{suStatus :: AccountStatus}
deriving (Generic)
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5 changes: 0 additions & 5 deletions services/brig/src/Brig/API/Internal.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -372,11 +372,6 @@ getAccountStatusH (_ ::: usr) = do
Just s -> json $ AccountStatusResp s
Nothing -> setStatus status404 empty

data AccountStatusResp = AccountStatusResp AccountStatus

instance ToJSON AccountStatusResp where
toJSON (AccountStatusResp s) = object ["status" .= s]

getConnectionsStatusH ::
JSON ::: JsonRequest ConnectionsStatusRequest ::: Maybe Relation ->
Handler Response
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23 changes: 23 additions & 0 deletions services/spar/src/Spar/Intra/Brig.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -44,6 +44,8 @@ module Spar.Intra.Brig
MonadSparToBrig (..),

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -464,3 +466,24 @@ isEmailValidationEnabledUser uid = do
case user >>= userTeam of
Nothing -> pure False
Just tid -> isEmailValidationEnabledTeam tid

getStatus :: (HasCallStack, MonadSparToBrig m) => UserId -> m AccountStatus
getStatus uid = do
resp <-
call $
method GET
. paths ["/i/users", toByteString' uid, "status"]
case statusCode resp of
200 -> (\(AccountStatusResp status) -> status) <$> parseResponse @AccountStatusResp resp
_ -> throwSpar (SparBrigErrorWith (responseStatus resp) "Could not retrieve account status")

setStatus :: (HasCallStack, MonadSparToBrig m) => UserId -> AccountStatus -> m ()
setStatus uid status = do
resp <-
call $
method PUT
. paths ["/i/users", toByteString' uid, "status"]
. json (AccountStatusUpdate status)
case statusCode resp of
200 -> pure ()
_ -> throwSpar (SparBrigErrorWith (responseStatus resp) "Could not set status")
38 changes: 36 additions & 2 deletions services/spar/src/Spar/Scim/Types.hs
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-- * Request and response types for SCIM-related endpoints.
module Spar.Scim.Types where

import Brig.Types.Intra (AccountStatus (Active, Deleted, Ephemeral, Suspended))
import Brig.Types.User as Brig
import Control.Lens hiding ((#), (.=), Strict)
import Data.Aeson as Aeson
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -185,11 +186,23 @@ instance Scim.Patchable ScimUserExtra where
| otherwise = throwError $ Scim.badRequest Scim.InvalidValue $ Just "unknown schema, cannot patch"
applyOperation _ _ = throwError $ Scim.badRequest Scim.InvalidValue $ Just "invalid patch op for rich info"

-- | SCIM user with 'SAML.UserRef' and mapping to 'Brig.User'. Constructed by 'validateScimUser'.
-- | SCIM user with all the data spar is actively processing. Constructed by
-- 'validateScimUser'. The idea is that the type we get back from hscim is too general, and
-- we need a second round of parsing (aka validation), of which 'ValidScimUser' is the result.
-- 'NeededInfo' is similar to this, but used for creating scim users rather than as a result
-- of parsing them. On second thought, we probably should only have one of the two, or at
-- least they should look more closely related in the code: the only difference is that one is
-- for post, the other for patch.
-- Data contained in '_vsuHandle' and '_vsuName' is guaranteed to a) correspond to the data in
-- the 'Scim.User.User' and b) be valid in regard to our own user schema requirements (only
-- certain characters allowed in handles, etc).
-- FUTUREWORK: eliminate '_vsuUser' and keep everything we need as parsed values rather than
-- the raw input.
-- FUTUREWORK: move 'NeededInfo' closer to here. perhaps we can make do with one of the two.
data ValidScimUser = ValidScimUser
{ _vsuUser :: Scim.User.User SparTag,
Expand All @@ -201,12 +214,33 @@ data ValidScimUser = ValidScimUser
-- mapping to 'Brig.User'
_vsuHandle :: Handle,
_vsuName :: Maybe Name,
_vsuRichInfo :: RichInfo
_vsuRichInfo :: RichInfo,
_vsuActive :: Maybe Bool
deriving (Eq, Show)

makeLenses ''ValidScimUser

scimActiveFlagFromAccountStatus :: AccountStatus -> Bool
scimActiveFlagFromAccountStatus = \case
Active -> True
Suspended -> False
Deleted -> False
Ephemeral -> True -- do not treat ephemeral users any different from active ones.

-- | The second argument is constructed from a (potentially missing) json object field, hence
-- @Nothing@ has the same meaning as @Just True@. This way, we stay consistent between the
-- original status and one after an update.
-- FUTUREWORK: 'Ephemeral' shouldn't really be possible here, since there is no use case for
-- it. (If there was, this is most likely how we would have to implement it, but still.) We
-- should change the types so that the 'Ephemeral' case can be ruled out by the compiler.
scimActiveFlagToAccountStatus :: AccountStatus -> Maybe Bool -> AccountStatus
scimActiveFlagToAccountStatus oldstatus = \case
Nothing -> if oldstatus == Ephemeral then Ephemeral else Active
Just True -> if oldstatus == Ephemeral then Ephemeral else Active
Just False -> Suspended

-- Request and response types

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93 changes: 61 additions & 32 deletions services/spar/src/Spar/Scim/User.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -58,10 +58,9 @@ import Galley.Types.Teams as Galley
import Imports
import Network.URI
import qualified SAML2.WebSSO as SAML
import Spar.App (Env, Spar, getUser, sparCtxOpts, validateEmailIfExists, wrapMonadClient, wrapMonadClient)
import Spar.App (Env, Spar, getUser, sparCtxOpts, validateEmailIfExists, wrapMonadClient)
import qualified Spar.Data as Data
import Spar.Intra.Brig as Brig
import qualified Spar.Intra.Brig as Intra.Brig
import qualified Spar.Intra.Brig as Brig
import Spar.Intra.Galley as Galley
import Spar.Scim.Auth ()
import Spar.Scim.Types
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -105,7 +104,7 @@ instance Scim.UserDB SparTag Spar where
-- but it would complicate this code a bit, instead of leaving it as is.
members <- lift $ Galley.getTeamMembers stiTeam
brigusers :: [User] <-
lift (Intra.Brig.getBrigUsers ((^. Galley.userId) <$> members))
lift (Brig.getBrigUsers ((^. Galley.userId) <$> members))
scimusers :: [Scim.StoredUser SparTag] <-
lift . wrapMonadClient . Data.getScimUsers $ BrigTypes.userId <$> brigusers
pure $ Scim.fromList scimusers
Expand All @@ -118,12 +117,12 @@ instance Scim.UserDB SparTag Spar where
x <- runMaybeT $ case attrName of
"username" -> do
handle <- MaybeT . pure . parseHandle . Text.toLower $ val
brigUser <- MaybeT . lift . Intra.Brig.getBrigUserByHandle $ handle
brigUser <- MaybeT . lift . Brig.getBrigUserByHandle $ handle
getOrCreateScimUser stiTeam brigUser
"externalid" -> do
uref <- mkUserRef idpConfig (pure val)
uid <- MaybeT . lift . wrapMonadClient . Data.getSAMLUser $ uref
brigUser <- MaybeT . lift . Intra.Brig.getBrigUser $ uid
brigUser <- MaybeT . lift . Brig.getBrigUser $ uid
getOrCreateScimUser stiTeam brigUser
_ -> throwError (Scim.badRequest Scim.InvalidFilter (Just "Unsupported attribute"))
pure $ Scim.fromList (toList x)
Expand All @@ -138,11 +137,16 @@ instance Scim.UserDB SparTag Spar where
brigUser <- getBrigUser' uid
team' <- getUserTeam' brigUser
guard $ stiTeam == team'
-- TODO: this is a consitency bug. If people change things in brig this
-- wont be reflected here. Fix: Get rid of the scim table and just
-- always call synthesizeUser on whatever data we get from brig.
-- pure $ synthesizeScimUser brigUser
-- [see also](
getScimUser' uid
maybe (throwError . Scim.notFound "User" $ idToText uid) pure user
-- pretty wrappers; should use some MTL instances to get rid of lifts
getBrigUser' = MaybeT . lift . Intra.Brig.getBrigUser
getBrigUser' = MaybeT . lift . Brig.getBrigUser
getUserTeam' = MaybeT . pure . userTeam
getScimUser' = MaybeT . lift . wrapMonadClient . Data.getScimUser
postUser ::
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -232,7 +236,8 @@ validateScimUser' idp richInfoLimit user = do
-- be a little less brittle.
mbName <- mapM validateName (Scim.displayName user)
richInfo <- validateRichInfo (Scim.extra user ^. sueRichInfo)
pure $ ValidScimUser user uref idp handl mbName richInfo
let active = user
pure $ ValidScimUser user uref idp handl mbName richInfo active
-- Validate a name (@displayName@). It has to conform to standard Wire rules.
validateName :: Text -> m Name
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -313,7 +318,7 @@ createValidScimUser ::
(m ~ Scim.ScimHandler Spar) =>
ValidScimUser ->
m (Scim.StoredUser SparTag)
createValidScimUser (ValidScimUser user uref idpConfig handl mbName richInfo) = do
createValidScimUser (ValidScimUser user uref idpConfig handl mbName richInfo active) = do
-- sanity check: do tenant of the URef and the Issuer of the IdP match? (this is mostly
-- here to make sure a refactoring we did in the past is sound: we removed a lookup by
-- tenant and had the idp config already in context from an earlier lookup.)
Expand All @@ -334,25 +339,35 @@ createValidScimUser (ValidScimUser user uref idpConfig handl mbName richInfo) =
-- This is the pain and the price you pay for the horribleness called MTL
storedUser <- lift $ toScimStoredUser buid user
let teamid = idpConfig ^. SAML.idpExtraInfo . wiTeam
buid' <- lift $ Intra.Brig.createBrigUser uref buid teamid mbName ManagedByScim
buid' <- lift $ Brig.createBrigUser uref buid teamid mbName ManagedByScim
assert (buid == buid') $ pure ()
-- If we crash now, we have an active user that cannot login. And can not
-- be bound this will be a zombie user that needs to be manually cleaned
-- up. We should consider making setUserHandle part of createUser and
-- making it transactional. If the user redoes the POST A new standalone
-- user will be created
lift $ Intra.Brig.setBrigUserHandle buid handl
lift $ Brig.setBrigUserHandle buid handl
-- If we crash now, a POST retry will fail with 409 user already exists.
-- Azure at some point will retry with GET /Users?filter=userName eq handle
-- and then issue a PATCH containing the rich info and the externalId
lift $ Intra.Brig.setBrigUserRichInfo buid richInfo
lift $ Brig.setBrigUserRichInfo buid richInfo
-- If we crash now, same as above, but the PATCH will only contain externalId

-- FUTUREWORK(arianvp): these two actions we probably want to make transactional
lift . wrapMonadClient $ Data.insertScimUser buid storedUser
lift . wrapMonadClient $ Data.insertSAMLUser uref buid

lift $ validateEmailIfExists buid uref

-- TODO(fisx): suspension has yet another race condition: if we don't reach the following
-- line, the user will be active.
-- TODO(fisx): what happens with suspended users that have emails? should emails still be
-- validated? will that work on suspended users? (i think it won't, but i haven't
-- checked.)
lift $
Brig.getStatus buid >>= \old -> do
let new = scimActiveFlagToAccountStatus old active
when (new /= old) $ Brig.setStatus buid new
pure storedUser

updateValidScimUser ::
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -397,27 +412,36 @@ updateValidScimUser tokinfo uid newScimUser = do
lift . wrapMonadClient $ Data.deleteSAMLUser olduref
lift . wrapMonadClient $ Data.insertSAMLUser newuref uid
-- update 'SAML.UserRef' on brig
bindok <- lift $ Intra.Brig.bindBrigUser uid newuref
bindok <- lift $ Brig.bindBrigUser uid newuref
unless bindok . throwError $
Scim.serverError "Failed to update SAML UserRef on brig."
-- this can only happen if user is found in spar.scim_user, but missing on brig.
-- (internal error? race condition?)

-- TODO: if the user has been suspended or unsuspended in brig since the last scim
-- write, we'll find the wrong information here.
-- [see also](
oldScimUser :: ValidScimUser <-
validateScimUser tokinfo . Scim.value . Scim.thing $ oldScimStoredUser
-- the old scim user from our db is already validated, but this also recovers
-- the extra details not stored in the DB that we need here.

lift $ do
case newScimUser ^. vsuName of
Just nm | oldScimUser ^. vsuName /= Just nm -> Intra.Brig.setBrigUserName uid nm
Just nm | oldScimUser ^. vsuName /= Just nm -> Brig.setBrigUserName uid nm
_ -> pure ()
when (oldScimUser ^. vsuHandle /= newScimUser ^. vsuHandle)
$ Intra.Brig.setBrigUserHandle uid
$ Brig.setBrigUserHandle uid
$ newScimUser ^. vsuHandle
when (oldScimUser ^. vsuRichInfo /= newScimUser ^. vsuRichInfo)
$ Intra.Brig.setBrigUserRichInfo uid
$ Brig.setBrigUserRichInfo uid
$ newScimUser ^. vsuRichInfo

lift $
Brig.getStatus uid >>= \old -> do
let new = scimActiveFlagToAccountStatus old (newScimUser ^. vsuActive)
when (new /= old) $ Brig.setStatus uid new

-- store new user value to scim_user table (spar). (this must happen last, so in case
-- of crash the client can repeat the operation and it won't be considered a noop.)
lift . wrapMonadClient $ Data.insertScimUser uid newScimStoredUser
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -490,7 +514,7 @@ updScimStoredUser' (SAML.Time moddate) usr (Scim.WithMeta meta (Scim.WithId scim
deleteScimUser ::
ScimTokenInfo -> UserId -> Scim.ScimHandler Spar ()
deleteScimUser ScimTokenInfo {stiTeam} uid = do
mbBrigUser <- lift (Intra.Brig.getBrigUser uid)
mbBrigUser <- lift (Brig.getBrigUser uid)
case mbBrigUser of
Nothing -> do
-- double-deletion gets you a 404.
Expand All @@ -509,10 +533,10 @@ deleteScimUser ScimTokenInfo {stiTeam} uid = do
(logThenServerError $ "no userSSOId for user " <> cs (idToText uid))
$ BrigTypes.userSSOId brigUser
uref <- either logThenServerError pure $ Intra.Brig.fromUserSSOId ssoId
uref <- either logThenServerError pure $ Brig.fromUserSSOId ssoId
lift . wrapMonadClient $ Data.deleteSAMLUser uref
lift . wrapMonadClient $ Data.deleteScimUser uid
lift $ Intra.Brig.deleteBrigUser uid
lift $ Brig.deleteBrigUser uid
return ()
logThenServerError :: String -> Scim.ScimHandler Spar b
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -580,11 +604,14 @@ assertHandleNotUsedElsewhere hndl uid = do
assertHandleUnused' "userName does not match UserId" hndl uid

-- | The information needed to synthesize a Scim user.
-- See haddocks on 'ValidScimUser'.
data NeededInfo = NeededInfo
{ neededHandle :: Handle,
neededName :: Name,
neededExternalId :: Text,
neededRichInfo :: RichInfo
neededRichInfo :: RichInfo,
neededActive :: Maybe Bool

synthesizeScimUser :: NeededInfo -> Scim.User SparTag
Expand All @@ -593,7 +620,8 @@ synthesizeScimUser info =
Name displayName = neededName info
in (Scim.empty userSchemas userName (ScimUserExtra (neededRichInfo info)))
{ Scim.externalId = Just $ neededExternalId info,
Scim.displayName = Just displayName
Scim.displayName = Just displayName, = neededActive info

-- | Helper function that given a brig user, creates a scim user on the fly or returns
Expand All @@ -609,12 +637,14 @@ getOrCreateScimUser stiTeam brigUser = do
handle <- getUserHandle' brigUser'
let name = userDisplayName brigUser'
richInfo <- getRichInfo' uid
-- NOTE: If user is not an SSO User; this returns Nothing
-- Hence; we should only set managedByScim if this _succeeds_
ssoIdentity' <- getSSOIdentity' brigUser'
isActive <- scimActiveFlagFromAccountStatus <$> getStatus' uid
ssoIdentity' <- do
-- TODO: If user is not an SSO User; @ssoIdentity'@ is Nothing
-- Hence; we should only set managedByScim if this _succeeds_
getSSOIdentity' brigUser'
externalId <- toExternalId' ssoIdentity'
setManagedBy' uid ManagedByScim
let neededInfo = NeededInfo handle name externalId richInfo
let neededInfo = NeededInfo handle name externalId richInfo (Just isActive)
let user = synthesizeScimUser neededInfo
storedUser <- toScimStoredUser'' uid user
insertScimUser' uid storedUser
Expand All @@ -623,14 +653,13 @@ getOrCreateScimUser stiTeam brigUser = do
getScimUser' = MaybeT . lift . wrapMonadClient . Data.getScimUser
getUserTeam' = MaybeT . pure . userTeam
getUserHandle' = MaybeT . pure . userHandle
setManagedBy' uid = lift . lift . Intra.Brig.setBrigUserManagedBy uid
getRichInfo' = lift . lift . Intra.Brig.getBrigUserRichInfo
setManagedBy' uid = lift . lift . Brig.setBrigUserManagedBy uid
getRichInfo' = lift . lift . Brig.getBrigUserRichInfo
getStatus' = lift . lift . Brig.getStatus
getSSOIdentity' = MaybeT . pure . (userIdentity >=> ssoIdentity)
toExternalId' =
(const (throwError (Scim.badRequest Scim.InvalidFilter (Just "Invalid externalId"))))
. toExternalId
toExternalId' = either err pure . Brig.toExternalId
err = const . throwError $ Scim.badRequest Scim.InvalidFilter (Just "Invalid externalId")
toScimStoredUser'' uid = lift . lift . toScimStoredUser uid
insertScimUser' uid = lift . lift . wrapMonadClient . Data.insertScimUser uid

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