It's a dashboard theme/UI-Starter Kit with Laravel, Inertia and Vue (JetStream).
npm install
composer install
- Change ENV file name from .env.example to .env
- Set database infos in the .env
php artisan migrate:fresh --seed
php artisan key:generate
php artisan serve
npm run hot
Goto: http://localhost:8000 or your APP_URL (in the .ENV)
- Demo:
- Email: [email protected]
- Password: admin
- TailwindCSS
- Vue.js Laravel 8 - JetStream Inertia
- Every components are well documented
- Easy usability
- Simple and short code blocks
- A lot of customization options for every components
- Responsive, you can use with all devices
- Custom Auth Pages: Login, Register, Profile, Lock
- Unique Form Inputs: Repeatable Fields, Select(Rich Content) and Date
- Complately UI Kit
- Statistic Widgets for Summary or Small Data Windows
- It works with FontAwesome
- Alert (Radius options, any icon, 10 colors, timer and closeable)
- Avatar / Avatar Group for Team Lists (Positionable colorful indicators for notifications)
- Badge (18 colors, with extra value area, any icon and show/hide animation)
- Breadcrumb (2 Styles and optional extra action area)
- Buttons (18 colors, any icon, 3 sizes)
- Collapsible Content (Customizable header (icon, align and 9 colors))
- Dropdowns (10 colors and works with Inertia-Link)
- Lists (18 colors, any icon or photo, radis options and default selectable)
- Modals (Solid, Gradient and Light backgrounds, independent, works with forms)
- Pagination (18 colors, connectable every table/content type, custom range and activepage)
- Popovers (4 directions and 2 options (With Title/Without Title))
- Progress (Animation, duration control, 10 colors and custom height option)
- Tabs (2 styles and 10 colors)
- Table (Compatable with pagination component, button area (like add new), searchable, list count control, advanced search panel, custom content areas)
- Tooltips
- AppLayout (Custom action buttons area, header-sub header control)
- Grid (Simple kit for content frames control)
- Content Card (Solid, Gradient and Light background, second content option and resizeable)
- Statistic Widgets (10 colors, value direction control, auto style with value and any icon/photo)
- Form Content (Pratical form area management component, extra buttons, crud actions' dynamic messages area and polished style)
- Form Section (Splited and identified blocks of form)
- Input Group (Simple form input management, label, error and others)
- HTML Inputs (With any icon, dynamic customizable)
- File Input
- Unique Checkbox Input (With any icon, 10 colors, radius options and dynamic)
- Unique Radio Button Input (With any icon, 10 colors, radius options and dynamic)
- Unique Text Area (Chracter counter, clear button, row count control)
- Unique Select and Multi Select (Independent, useable with rich content, searchable, clear button)
- Unique Repeatable Inputs (Inline editable, multiple field option, add/delete buttons)
- Date Input (Powered V-Calendar, date, date time, time and range with popup calendar)
🚀 We are going to make the big updates about app because this theme is using in our projects therefore the updates will be continuous
🤘 If you want to support us, you can send a mail to us via [email protected]
Please see package.json
The TailAdmin is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.