This project automates the Masterlock attack developed by Samy Kamkar that allows lock combinations to be brute forced in 8 attempts or less. The attack is based on a manufacturing flaw that allows an attacker to mathematically calculate 8-16 potential combinations based off of two locking positions and one resistant position. The attack is outlined on Samy's website and described in detail on his youtube channel. Of course, this attack should only be attempted on locks that you own or have permission to attack.
I wanted to automate the attack to speed up the process. An arduino calculates the 8-16 potential combinations based off of the two locking positions and one resistant position. Then, a stepper motor tries each of these combinations rapidly.
TODO: export BOM from easyEDA
Qty | ID | Description |
1 | A4988 Stepper Motor Driver | |
1 | Arduino Uno |