An Ansible Role to install and configure AIDE.
AIDE (Advanced Intrusion Detection Environment) is a file and directory integrity checker. It is part of many compliance guidelines and many operators will have the need to use it.
This Ansible Role installs and configures AIDE.
- install packages
- configure database path and name
- initialize a new database
- create systemd timer or cron job
Used Modules:
- Ansible package Module
- Ansible lineinfile Module
- Ansible stat Module
- Ansible template Module
- Ansible cron Module
- Ansible systemd Module
- Ansible command Module
Install from Ansible Galaxy
ansible-galaxy install while_true_do.sys_aide
Install from Github
git clone while_true_do.sys_aide
# defaults file for while_true_do.sys_aide
## Package Management
wtd_sys_aide_package: "aide"
# State can be present|latest|absent
wtd_sys_aide_package_state: "present"
## Configuration Management
# DB Configuration
wtd_sys_aide_conf_db_path: "/var/lib/aide"
wtd_sys_aide_conf_db_name: "aide.db.gz"
wtd_sys_aide_conf_db_new_name: ""
# Scheduler can be: cron|systemd|none
wtd_sys_aide_conf_scheduler: "systemd"
# times can be any valid time format for the scheduler
# daily, weekly, monthly are recommended
wtd_sys_aide_conf_times: "weekly"
Running Ansible Roles can be done in a playbook.
- hosts: all
- role: while_true_do.sys_aide
Use cron as a scheduler and run the check daily.
- hosts: all
- role: while_true_do.sys_aide
wtd_sys_aide_conf_scheduler: "cron"
wtd_sys_aide_conf_times: "daily"
- RedHat Testing is currently not possible in public, due to limitations in subscriptions.
- Some services and features cannot be tested properly, due to limitations in docker.
Most of the "generic" tests are located in the Test Library.
Ansible specific testing is done with Molecule.
Infrastructure testing is done with testinfra.
Automated testing is done with Travis CI.
Thank you so much for considering to contribute. We are very happy, when somebody is joining the hard work. Please fell free to open Bugs, Feature Requests or Pull Requests after reading the Contribution Guideline.
See who has contributed already in the kudos.txt.
This work is licensed under a BSD-3-Clause License.
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