Web and Open Data Validator version 6.15.0
The Web and Open Data Validator provides web developers and quality assurance testers the ability to perform a number of web site, web page validation and Open data validation tasks at one time. Web site checking includes
- Accessibility: WCAG 2.0, Deque AXE, ACT Rules, or Pa11y
- Link checking (e.g. broken links, broken anchors, cross language links)
- Mark-up validation (HTML, CSS, XML, Javascript)
- Mobile optimization (based on Yahoo's best practices)
Open data checking includes
- CSV, JSON, JSON schema and XML validation
- Content validation based on data dictionary patterns
- Data value consistency
Major Changes
Web Tool
- Add checks for WCAG plain text techniques and failures for plain text web pages and portions of
HTML web pages using the "pre" tag - WCAG_2.0-T1, WCAG_2.0-T2, WCAG_2.0-T3
- Checks for whitespace formatted tables and graphic character formatted tables in plain text web
pages and portions of HTML web pages using the "pre" tag - WCAG_2.0-F34
- Ignore SSL certificate errors in web feed validator - XML_VALIDATION
Open Data_Tool
- Fix bug in handling ordered list items found in unordered lists in multi-line text cells in
CSV files - OD_data
- Check for space separated or graphics character formatted tables and plain text lists and headings
in multi-line text fields in JSON files - OD_data
- Report plain text accessibility errors in accessibility tab rather than the open data tab.
- Ignore a single leading whitespace character in list items - OD_DATA
- Check roman numeral ordered lists in plain text content
- Set default limit of errors reported per URL to 1000 to avoid memory consumption problems.
Version 6.14.0 contains the following updates and additions
- Add checks for WCAG plain text techniques and failures for plain text web pages and portions of
HTML web pages using the "pre" tag - WCAG_2.0-T1, WCAG_2.0-T2, WCAG_2.0-T3
- Checks for whitespace formatted tables and graphic character formatted tables in plain text web
pages and portions of HTML web pages using the "pre" tag - WCAG_2.0-F34
- Add checks for WCAG plain text techniques and failures for plain
text web pages and portions of HTML web pages using the
"pre" tag - WCAG_2.0-T1, WCAG_2.0-T2, WCAG_2.0-T3
- Correct function name in Deque Axe install script
- Ignore SSL certificate errors in web feed validator - XML_VALIDATION
Open Data
- Fix bug in handling ordered list items found in unordered lists in multi-line text cells in
CSV files - OD_data
- Check for space separated or graphics character formatted tables and plain text lists and headings
in multi-line text fields in JSON files - OD_data
- Report plain text accessibility errors in accessibility tab rather than the open data tab.
- Ignore a single leading whitespace character in list items - OD_DATA
- Check roman numeral ordered lists in plain text content
- Ignore case when checking for scientific notation in CSV cells
- Set default limit of errors reported per URL to 1000 to avoid memory consumption problems.
Web and Open Data Validator Installation on Windows
The tool installer, WPSS_Tool.exe, does NOT include the required Perl or Python installers.
Perl and Python must be installed on the workstation prior to installing the WPSS_Tool.
Supported versions of Perl include
- Strawberry Perl 5.26 or later (32 or 64 bit) available from http://strawberryperl.com
Does NOT work with Strawberry Perl versions earlier than 5.26 and does not work with ActiveState Perl's community release.
Supported versions of Python include
- Python 2.7.6 or newer available from https://www.python.org/downloads/windows/
- Python 3 or newer (some supporting tools don't work with Python 3, e.g. Web feed validator).
Required version of Java
- The HTML5 validator requires Oracle Java 8 or later and OpenJDK version 11.
The WPSS_Tool has been tested on the following platforms
- Windows 11 (64 bit), Strawberry Perl 5.26 (64 bit), Python 2.7.13
- Windows 11 (64 bit), Strawberry Perl 5.32 (64 bit), Python 3.10.0
The WPSS Tool installer is available as a release in this repository
Chrome Headless User agent (recommended)
The Chrome headless user agent and supporting files can be installed using the install_puppeteer.pl script in the WPSS_Tool folder.
If headless Chrome is not available, the WPSS_Tool will fall back to using PhantomJS and a message will be written to the stdout.txt file.
Pa11y Accessibility Test Tool
The Pa11y accessibility test tool (https://pa11y.org/) is an optional tool that may be used to run tests against web pages. The tool can be installed using the install_pa11y.pl script in the WPSS_Tool folder.
Deque AXE accessibility tool
The Deque AXE accessibility tool (https://github.com/dequelabs/axe-cli) is an optional tool that may be used to run tests against web pages. The tool can be installed using the install_deque_axe.pl script in the WPSS_Tool folder.
Web and Open Data Validator Installation on Linux
The tool distribution, WPSS_Tool_Linux.zip, does NOT include the required Perl or Python installers.
Perl and Python must be installed on the prior to installing the WPSS_Tool.
Supported versions of Perl include
- Perl 5.0 or later (32 or 64 bit).
Supported versions of Python include
- Python 2.7.6 or newer.
- Python 3 (some components will not work, e.g. Web feed validator)
Required version of Java
- The HTML5 validator required Oracle Java 8 or later and OpenJDK version 11.
The WPSS_Tool has been tested on the following platforms
- Redhat, Perl 5.24.2 (32 bit), Python 3.5.0
The Linux version has not been tested with headless chrome, pa11y or Deque AXE.
The WPSS Tool installer is available as a release in this repository
Installation steps
- Unzip the package; 'unzip WPSS_Tool_Linux.zip'
- Go to the installation directory; 'cd WPSS_Tool_Linux'
- Run the install script; 'perl install.pl'
Building WPSS_Tool
The WPSS_Tool and open_data_tool can be built from the repository as follows
- Clone the source from the repository
- Go to the Build folder
cd wet-boew-wpss-master/Build
- Run the build_release.pl script. The default is to build a Windows release, to build a Linux release add the "Linux" argument.
perl build_release.pl
perl build_release.pl Linux
- Releases are saved in the distribution folder; WPSS_Tool for Windows and WPSS_Tool_Linux for Linux.
cd ../distribution