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Loan Item API


A REST API that can be used as a back-end for a physical item loan system. Example uses would be hiring or borrowing items such as sports equipment, power tools or books. It can be used with any UI that has a REST client. A typical example UI, would be mobile phone app. In this scenario, the app could be scanning QR stickers affixed to loanable items to make the job of looking up and loaning items quick and convenient. A different scenario would be a web-based kiosk where users are able to login and interact with their own-list of loaned items.

The API supports two different modes of operation, self-service and admin-operated. The self-service use-case would be for a trusted environment where users can borrow and return items unsupervised. In this scenario, the user would log into to the system and marks items as borrowed or returned using their own account.

In the admin-operated mode, only administrators could associate or dis-associated items with a users account. The use-case here would be a physical kiosk where staff are administrators and would need to manage the loaning-out of items.


Modes and User roles

To initialise the system on a blank database, a user called "admin" is created. This user has a role of "admin" and the password will be set via the "ADMIN_PASSWORD" environment variable otherwise will default to "admin". The admin user can "promote" other users to the "admin" role. The default mode is admin-operated but can be changed by the "MODE" environment variable.

User role Mode What can the role do
n/a all A non-autherised REST call can create any number of regular users.
regular self-service Loan un-loaned items against their own account. Un-loan items they have loaned to themselves. Change their own details. Remove themselves. View items they have loaned.
regular admin-operated Change their own details. Remove themselves. View items they have loaned.
admin all Can make any change to users or loan items apart from removing or changing the role of the initial "admin" user.

Valid requests

Action HTTP Method URL Request body Header
Register user POST /users {"username": "bob", "password": "password", "phone": "+441234567890"}
Login POST /login {"username": "bob", "password": "password"}
Get all users GET /users "access-token": token
Get Bob's user record GET /users/bob "access-token": token
Change Bob's password PUT /users/bob {"password": "password2"} "access-token": token
Change Bob's phone number PUT /users/bob {"phone": "+441234567891"} "access-token": token
Delete user Bob DELETE /users/bob "access-token": token
Create a loan item entry POST /loan-items {"id": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000", "description": "wheelbarrow"} "access-token": token
Get loan item with id 123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000 GET /loan-items/123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000 "access-token": token
Loan item 123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000 to Bob PUT /loan-items/123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000 {"loanedto": "bob"} "access-token": token
Get all loan items GET /loan-items "access-token": token
Pagination for getting all loan items. This query would return the 20 loan item starting with the 100th item. GET /loan-items?limit=20&offset=100 "access-token": token
Get all loan items loaned to Bob GET /loan-items?loanedto=bob "access-token": token
Get all loan items where loan-item description contains "drills" GET /loan-items?contains=drills "access-token": token
Get all loan items loaned to Bob where loan-item description contains "boots" GET /loan-items?loanedto=bob&contains=boots "access-token": token
Delete loan item with id 123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000 DELETE /loan-items/123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000 "access-token": token
Change mode to self-service PUT /mode {"mode": "self-service"} "access-token": token
Change mode to admin-operated PUT /mode {"mode": "admin-operated "} "access-token": token
Get mode GET /mode "access-token": token

Expected return values

Apart from unexpected 500 errors, all requests will return a json object with one or more of the following keys:

JSON Key Description Example
auth_token Returned by /login on a successful login. Passed to most other calls as the access-token header. {'auth_token': 'eyJ0eXAiOi'} (truncated example)
message Informational returned by successful deletions and password changes. {"message": "Password successfully changed."}
error Returned for all 400 errors. Can be generated by any request {"error": "User not found."}
loan-item Returned by all calls to /loan-item/:id. Value is a single Loan object. {"loan-item": {"id": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000", "description": "wheelbarrow","loanedto": "bob"}}
loan-items Returned by all calls to /loan-item (including those with query parameters). Value is a list of loan-item objects. {"loan-items": [{"id": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000", "description": "wheelbarrow","loanedto": "bob"},{"id": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174001", "description": "drill","loanedto": "sally"}]}
user Returned by all calls to /user/:username, apart from when a password is changed. Value is a single user object. {'user': {'phone': 800, 'role': 1, 'username': 'bob'}}
users Returned by all calls to /users. Value is a list of user objects. {'users': [{'phone': "+441234567890", 'role': 3, 'username': 'admin'}, {'phone': "+441234567890", 'role': 1, 'username': 'bob'}]}
mode Returned by all calls to /mode. Value is either self-service or admin-operated. {"mode": "self-service"}


To install and run you will need Docker. Follow these steps to run the API:

  1. In the docker-compose.yml change the following environment variables:
    • DATABASE_URL - This is a sqlalchemy URL setup for the system test PostgreSQL database. Point this at the database of your choice (PostgreSQL has been tested)
    • SECRET_KEY - Pick a unique key for encoding JWT tokens.
    • ADMIN_PASSWORD - Pick an initial password for the "admin" user
  2. In the docker-compose.yml, remove the postgres service unless using (used for system testing)
  3. Open a terminal in this directory
  4. Run docker-compose build
  5. Run docker-compose up -d

Implementation details

This system has been implemented in Python using Flask for the REST API and a relational database as the persistence layer (PostgreSQL or SQLite). Each HTTP request causes a user manager (Users) and Loan manager (Loans) to be instantiated. These objects handle the bulk of the request logic and interactions with the database.

The user manager class (Users) does the following:

  • Handles telling the Loan manager who is logged in
  • Sets up the database session
  • Interacts with User data in the database
  • Protects the wrong user accessing another user's User data

The Loan manager class (Loans) does the following:

  • Protects the wrong user accessing another user's Loan data
  • Interacts with Loan data in the database

For authentication the system uses JWT tokens which contain an expiry date and the users's username. On login, this token is returned back to the client. Every other call will use this token (provided in the header).

All request logic (apart from login) are run within a eval_and_respond function. This does the job of running the functions required by the request inside a try block. This handling on this block converts internal exceptions to HTTP errpr responses. This way, all the error handling can be managed in one place.

How to run the tests

To run the all tests you will need Python 3.7 and Docker. Follow these steps to run the tests:

  1. Open a terminal in this directory
  2. Run python3 -m venv venv
  3. Run . venv/bin/activate
  4. Run pip install -r requirements.txt
  5. Run python -m unittest discover src. This will run all the unit tests.
  6. Run docker-compose build
  7. In a separate terminal in this directory, run docker-compose up and wait for no more output from that terminal. Leave that terminal open.
  8. Run python -m unittest This will run all the system tests.
  9. In the terminal running docker-compose hit ctrl-c.


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