Video Demo:
WHen COVID-19 broke out in my country, I was thinking of what to do for the final project. Suddenly we were on lockdown and every one had to take classes online at home. But soon problems arose, when the teachers found out that they couldn't give us test sheet. Therefore I decided to solve the problem by creating a platform where you can create quizes and share it with others. The interface of the quiz editor is simple to use, you can create a quiz in just minutes.
Personally, I think this part is the hardest part to code of the whole program. I had to figure out a way to dynamically generate a set of questions whenever the add button is pressed. Also storing it in the SQL database. I finished this part by setting a counter and changing the name of the tags with placeholders every time the button is clicked As for the done button, it collects every input field and sent it to I then use a loop to save a set of questions one by one into the SQL database. The first input on the page is the quiz name. The 5 inputs in every set of questions are question, answer_a, answer_b, answer_c, answer_d. The radio buttons are used to set the correct answer for every question,
This is basically the combination of create and search. You will see a table which show the quizes you created and the created date. The edit button will let you edit the quiz you created. I generated the quiz into input tags with jinja, kinda like Quiz. The rest basically is the same as Create.
This is the second hardest part. After typing into the search bar, it will generate a table of quizes. I had to think of a way to generate a unique button for every results. I finished this part by having the buttons run a function that put the id of the button you clicked into a hidden input field Then I use request.form.get to get the value in the input field, and run the quiz route.
This is probably the easiest part of this website. It generates the quiz you selected in Search.
After submitting the Quiz, I use a loop in to check if the answers are correct and store the correct and incorrect in another column. I then generate the results and use Jinja to check: if correct: generate "Well done!" else: generate the correct answer.