A step-by-step guide on setting up and integrating a chatbot within your React application.
This chatbot implementation uses a custom Chatbot
component to interact with users, parse their input, and generate appropriate responses. It supports features like message persistence, validation, and customizable styles.
In the project directory, you can run:
Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.
In the component you want to display the Chatbot, initalize the Chatbot in the following way:
const config = {
initialMessages: [createChatBotMessage(`Hello`)]
class MessageParser {
setState: React.Dispatch<SetStateAction<any>>;;
stateRef: MutableRefObject<any>;
stateRef) {
this.setState = setStateFunc;
this.stateRef = stateRef;
parse(message) {
messageParser={messageParser} />
Prop | Type | Description |
messageParser | MessageParser | Handles incoming user messages. |
config | IConfig | Configuration for chatbot appearance and behavior. |
headerText | string | Text displayed in the chatbot header. |
placeholderText | string | Placeholder for the input field. |
saveMessages | (messages) => void | Function to save messages (e.g., to local storage). |
messageHistory | IMessage[] | Preloaded message history. |
validator | (input) => Boolean | Validates user input before sending a message. |
disableScrollToBottom | boolean | Disables auto-scrolling to the bottom of the chat. |