I only claim ownership of the code in the src
directory; all other code and assets belong to their respective authors.
Build the project using CMake and run the city
executable from the repo root directory so that data
is in PATH; failure to do so will cause a crash on startup.
Occaisionally segfaults on initialisation; keep trying and it will start. should be fixed as of 4c0b2fa
Key(s) | Function |
r | generate new city and switch to it |
space | cycle through generated cities |
wasd | first person camera controls |
mouse | look around with first person camera |
scroll | change camera FOV |
shift | 'sprint' (temporarily increase camera movement speed and FOV) |
` | toggle debug menus |
ctrl | use camera while debug menus are open |
Things to try in the debug menu:
Change the variables that dictate how the city grid is generated so when you press 'r' new cities will have those properties
Select an individual building and change its dimensions and position
Change the 'downtown' point so future cities will have its tallest buildings concentrated somewhere other than (0,0,0)
Change the Citadel scale and animation function parameters