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Brownie setup

Build container

docker build -t brownie .

In project folder, run container

docker run -it -v $(pwd):/app brownie bash

Inside a container, import account for deploy

brownie accounts import default-dev acc.json Password is empty string

OR add new account from seed

brownie accounts new default-dev

  • Notice: default-dev is just a name for account, you could use any other string.

Compile contracts

brownie compile

Run some deploy scripts

brownie run scripts/ --network waterfall-test

Deploy new pool

Create contract sources

  • copy contract sources from 3pool-test to new folder
  • configure pool by editing pooldata.json
  • change first rates in StableSwap3Pooltest.vy:83. Also, you can change number of pool coins there.

Edit deploy script

  • change name of contract path
  • also, you can change account used for deploy
  • If you changed the authorization account in the _tx_params object, change the parameter from, to the address of the new account
  • You also need to change the provider, to the provider of the current network here: web3 = Web3(Web3.HTTPProvider(''))