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Bruce Bailey edited this page Apr 12, 2024 · 19 revisions

Meeting minutes April 12th 2024

Attending (9): Michael Gower, Alastair Campbell, Patrick Lauke, Scott O'Hara, Avon Kuo, Francis Storr, Giacomo Petri, Dan Bjorge, Lori Oakley.
Regrets: Scott O'Hara

Misc issue discuss

  • update Issue #3539, realized that (checking section 5.1) appendixes are not normative, so it is an informative update. Dan noted that it was not marked as an appendix, so it isn't a clean solution.
  • Issue 3754, a couple of comments going beyond the initial scope of the issue, but probably worth including if we can, they seem 'light' changes. Scott will respond on a couple of things, they shouldn't block the progress.



Drafted column review

  • Issue 3518 Changing OL to UL where relevant. Need to check that it doesn't disrupt the build-process, particularly for the techniques. Otherwise ready for a reviewer.
  • Issue 3693 Bug fix, looks good.

Moved back to In progress

Moved to Ready for approval

Left in drafted

Standing Agenda

  1. Review ‘For discussion’ items
  2. Review ‘Drafted’ items (30 min), either:
    • move back to In progress, with more work to do
    • move to Ready for approval, if there is general agreement the issue is sufficiently resolved
    • leave in Drafted, if discussion was not concluded satisfactorily
  3. Review ‘To do’.
  4. Time permitting, items of interest to participants, including open discussions.
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