A storybook instance is demo of created components by vujita-ui
This is a mono repo is inspired from t3 stack. The major deviation is using turborepo for a mono repo setup for future project extensions
I also want to be able to host my personal portfolio site and any packages that.
I may want to publish for future use in other projects, like
- eslint-config
- common utilities
- any ui libraries I may create
There are 2 prescribed way of running this repository, either with github codespaces or locally
Github codespaces can be running locally
- Install docker. Instructions on mac
- Install vscode
- Open in this folder in a devcontainers
You can also run it in the repository by creating a code space off a branch, or locally using devcontainer extension if you have docker installed
Install nvm, and run
nvm install
nvm use
corepack enable
corepack prepare [email protected] --activate
pnpm install-completion # optional but will give you autocompletion
Install postgres version 14
# Install dependencies (this should be done by initialization script)
pnpm i
# Configure environment variables.
# There is an `.env.example` in the root directory you can use for reference
cp .env.example .env
# Push the drizzle schema to your database
pnpm db:push
- Discord: create a discord application and add client/secret to your .env file
└─ workflows
└─ CI with pnpm cache setup
└─ Recommended extensions and settings for VSCode users
└─ vubnguyen
| ├─ Next.js 13
| ├─ React 18
| ├─ Tailwind CSS
| └─ E2E Typesafe API Server & Client
├─ api
| └─ tRPC v10 router definition
├─ auth
| └─ Authentication using next-auth. **NOTE: Only for Next.js app, not Expo**
├─ config
| └─ Shared Tailwind & Eslint configs
└─ db
| └─ Typesafe db calls using drizzle
└─ vujita-ui
└─ A ui library based on React/Tailwind/Class Variance Authority
└─ a component library storybook
└─ TBA....