POC: pages router performance #507
VTEX Sites / Integration Tests
Sep 18, 2024 in 7m 37s
Integration Tests
Integration tests Failed. Check the details bellow.
Videos of the tests that failed |
a11y.test.js |
analytics.test.js |
cart.test.js |
plp.test.js |
search.test.js |
Test | State |
Accessibility tests checks a11y for collection page | ❌ |
Accessibility tests checks a11y for product page | ❌ |
Accessibility tests checks a11y for home page | ❌ |
view_item event add view_item event in data layer | ❌ |
select_item event select_item has the right properties | ❌ |
view_item_list event is sent when viewing the PLP | ✔️ |
view_item_list event is sent when viewing a products shelf | ❌ |
view_item_list event is sent when viewing a product tiles | ❌ |
search event raises search | ❌ |
view_cart event is fired when the minicart is opened (without items) | ❌ |
view_cart event is fired when the minicart is opened (with items) | ❌ |
Cart Sidebar toggles cart sidebar | ❌ |
React rendering performance Renders Navbar component once | ❌ |
React rendering performance Renders Footer component once | ❌ |
React rendering performance Renders Alert component once | ❌ |
React rendering performance Renders Page component once | ❌ |
React rendering performance Renders ProductGallery component once on PLP | ❌ |
Search page Filters and Sorting options Applies filters after click | ❌ |
Search page Filters and Sorting options Sort products by price_asc | ❌ |
Search page Filters and Sorting options Sort products by price_desc | ❌ |
Infinite Scroll pagination Shows more products when requested | ❌ |
Infinite Scroll pagination Sticks to last seen page on plp pagination | ❌ |
Infinite Scroll pagination Changes the page being viewed on scroll | ❌ |
Home Page Seo has meta/canonical/link tags | ✔️ |
Home Page Seo has structured data | ✔️ |
Home Page Seo has OpenGraph tags | ✔️ |
Product Page Seo has meta/canonical/link tags | ✔️ |
Product Page Seo has structured data | ✔️ |
Product Page Seo has OpenGraph tags | ✔️ |
Collection Page Seo has meta/canonical/link tags | ✔️ |
Collection Page Seo has structured data | ✔️ |
Collection Page Seo has OpenGraph tags | ✔️ |
Filtered Collection Page Seo has canonical pointing to parent url | ✔️ |
Filtered Collection Page Seo has structured data | ✔️ |
Filtered Collection Page Seo has OpenGraph tags | ✔️ |
Search Page Seo has meta/canonical/link tags | ✔️ |
Search Page Seo has OpenGraph tags | ✔️ |
add_to_cart event when adding a product to the cart adds add_to_cart event in the data layer at product description page | ❌ |
add_to_cart event when increasing product quantity adds add_to_cart event in the data layer at quantity increase in the minicart | ❌ |
remove_from_cart event when removing a product from cart adds remove_from_cart event in the data layer | ❌ |
remove_from_cart event when decreasing product quantity adds remove_from_cart event in the data layer at quantity decrease in the minicart | ❌ |
Cart Sidebar when opening the cart sidebar should not scroll the background page | ❌ |
On product description pages when adding a product to cart successfully adds the product | ❌ |
On product description pages when removing a product from cart successfully removes the product | ❌ |
Search input when search for generic term opens the search page | ❌ |
[Wed Sep 18 21:28:27 UTC 2024] No secrets found for this repository
[STARTED] Task without title.
[SUCCESS] Task without title.
(Run Starting)
│ Cypress: 12.17.4 │
│ Browser: Electron 106 (headless) │
│ Node Version: v20.5.0 (/usr/local/bin/node) │
│ Specs: 7 found (a11y.test.js, analytics.test.js, cart.test.js, performance.test.js, p │
│ lp.test.js, search.test.js, seo.test.js) │
│ Searched: cypress/integration/**/*.test.{js,jsx,ts,tsx} │
│ Experiments: experimentalRunAllSpecs=true │
Running: a11y.test.js (1 of 7)
Accessibility tests
1 accessibility violation(s) detected
│ (index) │ id │ impact │ description │ nodes │
│ 0 │ 'landmark-one-main' │ 'moderate' │ 'Ensures the document has a main landmark' │ 1 │
1 accessibility violation(s) detected
│ (index) │ id │ impact │ description │ nodes │
│ 0 │ 'landmark-one-main' │ 'moderate' │ 'Ensures the document has a main landmark' │ 1 │
1) checks a11y for collection page
2) checks a11y for product page
2 accessibility violation(s) detected
│ (index) │ id │ impact │ description │ nodes │
│ 0 │ 'landmark-one-main' │ 'moderate' │ 'Ensures the document has a main landmark' │ 1 │
│ 1 │ 'page-has-heading-one' │ 'moderate' │ 'Ensure that the page, or at least one of its frames contains a level-one heading' │ 1 │
2 accessibility violation(s) detected
│ (index) │ id │ impact │ description │ nodes │
│ 0 │ 'landmark-one-main' │ 'moderate' │ 'Ensures the document has a main landmark' │ 1 │
│ 1 │ 'page-has-heading-one' │ 'moderate' │ 'Ensure that the page, or at least one of its frames contains a level-one heading' │ 1 │
3) checks a11y for home page
0 passing (22s)
3 failing
1) Accessibility tests
checks a11y for collection page:
AssertionError: 1 accessibility violation was detected: expected 1 to equal 0
at Context.eval (webpack://dot-faststore/../node_modules/cypress-axe/dist/index.js:100:0)
2) Accessibility tests
checks a11y for product page:
AssertionError: Timed out retrying after 4000ms: Expected to find element: `[data-testid=buy-button]`, but never found it.
at Context.eval (webpack://dot-faststore/./cypress/integration/a11y.test.js:33:29)
3) Accessibility tests
checks a11y for home page:
AssertionError: 2 accessibility violations were detected: expected 2 to equal 0
at Context.eval (webpack://dot-faststore/../node_modules/cypress-axe/dist/index.js:100:0)
[mochawesome] Report JSON saved to /shared/project/.faststore/cypress/reports/single/mochawesome.json
│ Tests: 3 │
│ Passing: 0 │
│ Failing: 3 │
│ Pending: 0 │
│ Skipped: 0 │
│ Screenshots: 6 │
│ Video: true │
│ Duration: 21 seconds │
│ Spec Ran: a11y.test.js │
- /shared/project/.faststore/cypress/screenshots/a11y.test.js/Accessibility tests (1280x720)
-- checks a11y for collection page (failed).png
- /shared/project/.faststore/cypress/screenshots/a11y.test.js/Accessibility tests (1280x720)
-- checks a11y for collection page (failed) (attempt 2).png
- /shared/project/.faststore/cypress/screenshots/a11y.test.js/Accessibility tests (1280x720)
-- checks a11y for product page (failed).png
- /shared/project/.faststore/cypress/screenshots/a11y.test.js/Accessibility tests (1280x720)
-- checks a11y for product page (failed) (attempt 2).png
- /shared/project/.faststore/cypress/screenshots/a11y.test.js/Accessibility tests (1280x720)
-- checks a11y for home page (failed).png
- /shared/project/.faststore/cypress/screenshots/a11y.test.js/Accessibility tests (1280x720)
-- checks a11y for home page (failed) (attempt 2).png
- Started compressing: Compressing to 32 CRF
- Finished compressing: 3 seconds
- Video output: /shared/project/.faststore/cypress/videos/a11y.test.js.mp4
Running: analytics.test.js (2 of 7)
add_to_cart event
when adding a product to the cart
1) adds add_to_cart event in the data layer at product description page
when increasing product quantity
2) adds add_to_cart event in the data layer at quantity increase in the minicart
remove_from_cart event
when removing a product from cart
3) adds remove_from_cart event in the data layer
when decreasing product quantity
4) adds remove_from_cart event in the data layer at quantity decrease in the minicart
view_item event
5) add view_item event in data layer
select_item event
6) select_item has the right properties
view_item_list event
✓ is sent when viewing the PLP
7) is sent when viewing a products shelf
8) is sent when viewing a product tiles
search event
9) raises search
view_cart event
10) is fired when the minicart is opened (without items)
11) is fired when the minicart is opened (with items)
1 passing (2m)
11 failing
1) add_to_cart event
when adding a product to the cart
adds add_to_cart event in the data layer at product description page:
AssertionError: Timed out retrying after 4000ms: Expected to find element: `[data-testid=cart-toggle]`, but never found it.
at Context.eval (webpack://dot-faststore/./cypress/support/commands.js:67:35)
2) add_to_cart event
when increasing product quantity
adds add_to_cart event in the data layer at quantity increase in the minicart:
AssertionError: Timed out retrying after 4000ms: Expected to find element: `[data-testid=cart-toggle]`, but never found it.
at Context.eval (webpack://dot-faststore/./cypress/support/commands.js:67:35)
3) remove_from_cart event
when removing a product from cart
adds remove_from_cart event in the data layer:
AssertionError: Timed out retrying after 4000ms: Expected to find element: `[data-testid=cart-toggle]`, but never found it.
at Context.eval (webpack://dot-faststore/./cypress/support/commands.js:67:35)
4) remove_from_cart event
when decreasing product quantity
adds remove_from_cart event in the data layer at quantity decrease in the minicart:
AssertionError: Timed out retrying after 4000ms: Expected to find element: `[data-testid=cart-toggle]`, but never found it.
at Context.eval (webpack://dot-faststore/./cypress/support/commands.js:67:35)
5) view_item event
add view_item event in data layer:
TypeError: The following error originated from your application code, not from Cypress.
> h.current.contains is not a function
When Cypress detects uncaught errors originating from your application it will automatically fail the current test.
This behavior is configurable, and you can choose to turn this off by listening to the `uncaught:exception` event.
at HTMLDocument.listener (https://sfj-b28be7e--starter.preview.vtex.app/_next/static/chunks/6527-3e24c38132e3c337.js:1:17363)
6) select_item event
select_item has the right properties:
TypeError: The following error originated from your application code, not from Cypress.
> h.current.contains is not a function
When Cypress detects uncaught errors originating from your application it will automatically fail the current test.
This behavior is configurable, and you can choose to turn this off by listening to the `uncaught:exception` event.
at HTMLDocument.listener (https://sfj-b28be7e--starter.preview.vtex.app/_next/static/chunks/6527-3e24c38132e3c337.js:1:17363)
7) view_item_list event
is sent when viewing a products shelf:
AssertionError: Timed out retrying after 4000ms: Expected to find element: `[data-fs-product-shelf]:last`, but never found it.
at Context.eval (webpack://dot-faststore/./cypress/integration/analytics.test.js:300:7)
8) view_item_list event
is sent when viewing a product tiles:
AssertionError: Timed out retrying after 4000ms: Expected to find element: `[data-fs-tiles]:last`, but never found it.
at Context.eval (webpack://dot-faststore/./cypress/integration/analytics.test.js:319:7)
9) search event
raises search:
AssertionError: Timed out retrying after 4000ms: Expected to find element: `[data-testid=store-input-mobile-button]`, but never found it.
at Context.eval (webpack://dot-faststore/./cypress/support/commands.js:51:12)
10) view_cart event
is fired when the minicart is opened (without items):
AssertionError: Timed out retrying after 4000ms: Expected to find element: `[data-testid=cart-toggle]`, but never found it.
at Context.eval (webpack://dot-faststore/./cypress/support/commands.js:51:12)
11) view_cart event
is fired when the minicart is opened (with items):
AssertionError: Timed out retrying after 4000ms: Expected to find element: `[data-testid=cart-toggle]`, but never found it.
at Context.eval (webpack://dot-faststore/./cypress/support/commands.js:67:35)
[mochawesome] Report JSON saved to /shared/project/.faststore/cypress/reports/single/mochawesome_001.json
│ Tests: 12 │
│ Passing: 1 │
│ Failing: 11 │
│ Pending: 0 │
│ Skipped: 0 │
│ Screenshots: 22 │
│ Video: true │
│ Duration: 1 minute, 32 seconds │
│ Spec Ran: analytics.test.js │
- /shared/project/.faststore/cypress/screenshots/analytics.test.js/add_to_cart eve (1280x720)
nt -- when adding a product to the cart -- adds add_to_cart event in the data la
yer at product description page (failed).png
- /shared/project/.faststore/cypress/screenshots/analytics.test.js/add_to_cart eve (1280x720)
nt -- when adding a product to the cart -- adds add_to_cart event in the data la
yer at product description page (failed) (attempt 2).png
- /shared/project/.faststore/cypress/screenshots/analytics.test.js/add_to_cart eve (1280x720)
nt -- when increasing product quantity -- adds add_to_cart event in the data lay
er at quantity increase in the minicart (failed).png
- /shared/project/.faststore/cypress/screenshots/analytics.test.js/add_to_cart eve (1280x720)
nt -- when increasing product quantity -- adds add_to_cart event in the data lay
er at quantity increase in the minicart (failed) (attempt 2).png
- /shared/project/.faststore/cypress/screenshots/analytics.test.js/remove_from_car (1280x720)
t event -- when removing a product from cart -- adds remove_from_cart event in t
he data layer (failed).png
- /shared/project/.faststore/cypress/screenshots/analytics.test.js/remove_from_car (1280x720)
t event -- when removing a product from cart -- adds remove_from_cart event in t
he data layer (failed) (attempt 2).png
- /shared/project/.faststore/cypress/screenshots/analytics.test.js/remove_from_car (1280x720)
t event -- when decreasing product quantity -- adds remove_from_cart event in th
e data layer at quantity decrease in the minicart (failed).png
- /shared/project/.faststore/cypress/screenshots/analytics.test.js/remove_from_car (1280x720)
t event -- when decreasing product quantity -- adds remove_from_cart event in th
e data layer at quantity decrease in the minicart (failed) (attempt 2).png
- /shared/project/.faststore/cypress/screenshots/analytics.test.js/view_item event (1280x720)
-- add view_item event in data layer (failed).png
- /shared/project/.faststore/cypress/screenshots/analytics.test.js/view_item event (1280x720)
-- add view_item event in data layer (failed) (attempt 2).png
- /shared/project/.faststore/cypress/screenshots/analytics.test.js/select_item eve (1280x720)
nt -- select_item has the right properties (failed).png
- /shared/project/.faststore/cypress/screenshots/analytics.test.js/select_item eve (1280x720)
nt -- select_item has the right properties (failed) (attempt 2).png
- /shared/project/.faststore/cypress/screenshots/analytics.test.js/view_item_list (1280x720)
event -- is sent when viewing a products shelf (failed).png
- /shared/project/.faststore/cypress/screenshots/analytics.test.js/view_item_list (1280x720)
event -- is sent when viewing a products shelf (failed) (attempt 2).png
- /shared/project/.faststore/cypress/screenshots/analytics.test.js/view_item_list (1280x720)
event -- is sent when viewing a product tiles (failed).png
- /shared/project/.faststore/cypress/screenshots/analytics.test.js/view_item_list (1280x720)
event -- is sent when viewing a product tiles (failed) (attempt 2).png
- /shared/project/.faststore/cypress/screenshots/analytics.test.js/search event -- (1280x720)
raises search (failed).png
- /shared/project/.faststore/cypress/screenshots/analytics.test.js/search event -- (1280x720)
raises search (failed) (attempt 2).png
- /shared/project/.faststore/cypress/screenshots/analytics.test.js/view_cart event (1280x720)
-- is fired when the minicart is opened (without items) (failed).png
- /shared/project/.faststore/cypress/screenshots/analytics.test.js/view_cart event (1280x720)
-- is fired when the minicart is opened (without items) (failed) (attempt 2).pn
- /shared/project/.faststore/cypress/screenshots/analytics.test.js/view_cart event (1280x720)
-- is fired when the minicart is opened (with items) (failed).png
- /shared/project/.faststore/cypress/screenshots/analytics.test.js/view_cart event (1280x720)
-- is fired when the minicart is opened (with items) (failed) (attempt 2).png
- Started compressing: Compressing to 32 CRF
- Finished compressing: 10 seconds
Compression progress: 100%
- Video output: /shared/project/.faststore/cypress/videos/analytics.test.js.mp4
Running: cart.test.js (3 of 7)
Cart Sidebar
1) toggles cart sidebar
when opening the cart sidebar
2) should not scroll the background page
On product description pages
when adding a product to cart
3) successfully adds the product
when removing a product from cart
4) successfully removes the product
0 passing (22s)
4 failing
1) Cart Sidebar
toggles cart sidebar:
TypeError: The following error originated from your application code, not from Cypress.
> h.current.contains is not a function
When Cypress detects uncaught errors originating from your application it will automatically fail the current test.
This behavior is configurable, and you can choose to turn this off by listening to the `uncaught:exception` event.
at HTMLDocument.listener (https://sfj-b28be7e--starter.preview.vtex.app/_next/static/chunks/6527-3e24c38132e3c337.js:1:17363)
2) Cart Sidebar
when opening the cart sidebar
should not scroll the background page:
TypeError: The following error originated from your application code, not from Cypress.
> h.current.contains is not a function
When Cypress detects uncaught errors originating from your application it will automatically fail the current test.
This behavior is configurable, and you can choose to turn this off by listening to the `uncaught:exception` event.
at HTMLDocument.listener (https://sfj-b28be7e--starter.preview.vtex.app/_next/static/chunks/6527-3e24c38132e3c337.js:1:17363)
3) On product description pages
when adding a product to cart
successfully adds the product:
AssertionError: Timed out retrying after 4000ms: Expected to find element: `[data-testid=cart-toggle]`, but never found it.
at Context.eval (webpack://dot-faststore/./cypress/support/commands.js:67:35)
4) On product description pages
when removing a product from cart
successfully removes the product:
AssertionError: Timed out retrying after 4000ms: Expected to find element: `[data-testid=cart-toggle]`, but never found it.
at Context.eval (webpack://dot-faststore/./cypress/support/commands.js:67:35)
[mochawesome] Report JSON saved to /shared/project/.faststore/cypress/reports/single/mochawesome_002.json
│ Tests: 4 │
│ Passing: 0 │
│ Failing: 4 │
│ Pending: 0 │
│ Skipped: 0 │
│ Screenshots: 8 │
│ Video: true │
│ Duration: 21 seconds │
│ Spec Ran: cart.test.js │
- /shared/project/.faststore/cypress/screenshots/cart.test.js/Cart Sidebar -- togg (1280x720)
les cart sidebar (failed).png
- /shared/project/.faststore/cypress/screenshots/cart.test.js/Cart Sidebar -- togg (1280x720)
les cart sidebar (failed) (attempt 2).png
- /shared/project/.faststore/cypress/screenshots/cart.test.js/Cart Sidebar -- when (1280x720)
opening the cart sidebar -- should not scroll the background page (failed).png
- /shared/project/.faststore/cypress/screenshots/cart.test.js/Cart Sidebar -- when (1280x720)
opening the cart sidebar -- should not scroll the background page (failed) (att
empt 2).png
- /shared/project/.faststore/cypress/screenshots/cart.test.js/On product descripti (1280x720)
on pages -- when adding a product to cart -- successfully adds the product (fail
- /shared/project/.faststore/cypress/screenshots/cart.test.js/On product descripti (1280x720)
on pages -- when adding a product to cart -- successfully adds the product (fail
ed) (attempt 2).png
- /shared/project/.faststore/cypress/screenshots/cart.test.js/On product descripti (1280x720)
on pages -- when removing a product from cart -- successfully removes the produc
t (failed).png
- /shared/project/.faststore/cypress/screenshots/cart.test.js/On product descripti (1280x720)
on pages -- when removing a product from cart -- successfully removes the produc
t (failed) (attempt 2).png
- Started compressing: Compressing to 32 CRF
- Finished compressing: 2 seconds
- Video output: /shared/project/.faststore/cypress/videos/cart.test.js.mp4
Running: performance.test.js (4 of 7)
React rendering performance
- Renders Navbar component once
- Renders Footer component once
- Renders Alert component once
- Renders Page component once
- Renders ProductGallery component once on PLP
0 passing (54ms)
5 pending
[mochawesome] Report JSON saved to /shared/project/.faststore/cypress/reports/single/mochawesome_003.json
│ Tests: 5 │
│ Passing: 0 │
│ Failing: 0 │
│ Pending: 5 │
│ Skipped: 0 │
│ Screenshots: 0 │
│ Video: false │
│ Duration: 0 seconds │
│ Spec Ran: performance.test.js │
- Video output: /shared/project/.faststore/cypress/videos/performance.test.js.mp4
Running: plp.test.js (5 of 7)
Search page Filters and Sorting options
1) Applies filters after click
2) Sort products by price_asc
3) Sort products by price_desc
Infinite Scroll pagination
4) Shows more products when requested
5) Sticks to last seen page on plp pagination
6) Changes the page being viewed on scroll
0 passing (29s)
6 failing
1) Search page Filters and Sorting options
Applies filters after click:
TypeError: The following error originated from your application code, not from Cypress.
> h.current.contains is not a function
When Cypress detects uncaught errors originating from your application it will automatically fail the current test.
This behavior is configurable, and you can choose to turn this off by listening to the `uncaught:exception` event.
at HTMLDocument.listener (https://sfj-b28be7e--starter.preview.vtex.app/_next/static/chunks/6527-3e24c38132e3c337.js:1:17363)
2) Search page Filters and Sorting options
Sort products by price_asc:
TypeError: The following error originated from your application code, not from Cypress.
> h.current.contains is not a function
When Cypress detects uncaught errors originating from your application it will automatically fail the current test.
This behavior is configurable, and you can choose to turn this off by listening to the `uncaught:exception` event.
at HTMLDocument.listener (https://sfj-b28be7e--starter.preview.vtex.app/_next/static/chunks/6527-3e24c38132e3c337.js:1:17363)
3) Search page Filters and Sorting options
Sort products by price_desc:
TypeError: The following error originated from your application code, not from Cypress.
> h.current.contains is not a function
When Cypress detects uncaught errors originating from your application it will automatically fail the current test.
This behavior is configurable, and you can choose to turn this off by listening to the `uncaught:exception` event.
at HTMLDocument.listener (https://sfj-b28be7e--starter.preview.vtex.app/_next/static/chunks/6527-3e24c38132e3c337.js:1:17363)
4) Infinite Scroll pagination
Shows more products when requested:
TypeError: The following error originated from your application code, not from Cypress.
> h.current.contains is not a function
When Cypress detects uncaught errors originating from your application it will automatically fail the current test.
This behavior is configurable, and you can choose to turn this off by listening to the `uncaught:exception` event.
at HTMLDocument.listener (https://sfj-b28be7e--starter.preview.vtex.app/_next/static/chunks/6527-3e24c38132e3c337.js:1:17363)
5) Infinite Scroll pagination
Sticks to last seen page on plp pagination:
TypeError: The following error originated from your application code, not from Cypress.
> h.current.contains is not a function
When Cypress detects uncaught errors originating from your application it will automatically fail the current test.
This behavior is configurable, and you can choose to turn this off by listening to the `uncaught:exception` event.
at HTMLDocument.listener (https://sfj-b28be7e--starter.preview.vtex.app/_next/static/chunks/6527-3e24c38132e3c337.js:1:17363)
6) Infinite Scroll pagination
Changes the page being viewed on scroll:
CypressError: Timed out retrying after 4050ms: `cy.click()` failed because the page updated while this command was executing. Cypress tried to locate elements based on this query:
> <a>
We initially found matching element(s), but while waiting for them to become actionable, they disappeared from the page. Common situations why this happens:
- Your JS framework re-rendered asynchronously
- Your app code reacted to an event firing and removed the element
You can typically solve this by breaking up a chain. For example, rewrite:
> `cy.get('button').click().click()`
> `cy.get('button').as('btn').click()`
> `cy.get('@btn').click()`
at retryActionability (https://sfj-b28be7e--starter.preview.vtex.app/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:112246:74)
at tryCatcher (https://sfj-b28be7e--starter.preview.vtex.app/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:1807:23)
at Promise.attempt.Promise.try (https://sfj-b28be7e--starter.preview.vtex.app/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:4315:29)
at whenStable (https://sfj-b28be7e--starter.preview.vtex.app/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:143192:68)
at <unknown> (https://sfj-b28be7e--starter.preview.vtex.app/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:143133:14)
at tryCatcher (https://sfj-b28be7e--starter.preview.vtex.app/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:1807:23)
at Promise._settlePromiseFromHandler (https://sfj-b28be7e--starter.preview.vtex.app/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:1519:31)
at Promise._settlePromise (https://sfj-b28be7e--starter.preview.vtex.app/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:1576:18)
at Promise._settlePromise0 (https://sfj-b28be7e--starter.preview.vtex.app/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:1621:10)
at Promise._settlePromises (https://sfj-b28be7e--starter.preview.vtex.app/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:1701:18)
at Promise._fulfill (https://sfj-b28be7e--starter.preview.vtex.app/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:1645:18)
at <unknown> (https://sfj-b28be7e--starter.preview.vtex.app/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:5450:46)
From Your Spec Code:
at Context.eval (webpack://dot-faststore/./cypress/integration/plp.test.js:216:44)
[mochawesome] Report JSON saved to /shared/project/.faststore/cypress/reports/single/mochawesome_004.json
│ Tests: 6 │
│ Passing: 0 │
│ Failing: 6 │
│ Pending: 0 │
│ Skipped: 0 │
│ Screenshots: 12 │
│ Video: true │
│ Duration: 28 seconds │
│ Spec Ran: plp.test.js │
- /shared/project/.faststore/cypress/screenshots/plp.test.js/Search page Filters a (1280x720)
nd Sorting options -- Applies filters after click (failed).png
- /shared/project/.faststore/cypress/screenshots/plp.test.js/Search page Filters a (1280x720)
nd Sorting options -- Applies filters after click (failed) (attempt 2).png
- /shared/project/.faststore/cypress/screenshots/plp.test.js/Search page Filters a (1280x720)
nd Sorting options -- Sort products by price_asc (failed).png
- /shared/project/.faststore/cypress/screenshots/plp.test.js/Search page Filters a (1280x720)
nd Sorting options -- Sort products by price_asc (failed) (attempt 2).png
- /shared/project/.faststore/cypress/screenshots/plp.test.js/Search page Filters a (1280x720)
nd Sorting options -- Sort products by price_desc (failed).png
- /shared/project/.faststore/cypress/screenshots/plp.test.js/Search page Filters a (1280x720)
nd Sorting options -- Sort products by price_desc (failed) (attempt 2).png
- /shared/project/.faststore/cypress/screenshots/plp.test.js/Infinite Scroll pagin (1280x720)
ation -- Shows more products when requested (failed).png
- /shared/project/.faststore/cypress/screenshots/plp.test.js/Infinite Scroll pagin (1280x720)
ation -- Shows more products when requested (failed) (attempt 2).png
- /shared/project/.faststore/cypress/screenshots/plp.test.js/Infinite Scroll pagin (1280x720)
ation -- Sticks to last seen page on plp pagination (failed).png
- /shared/project/.faststore/cypress/screenshots/plp.test.js/Infinite Scroll pagin (1280x720)
ation -- Sticks to last seen page on plp pagination (failed) (attempt 2).png
- /shared/project/.faststore/cypress/screenshots/plp.test.js/Infinite Scroll pagin (1280x720)
ation -- Changes the page being viewed on scroll (failed).png
- /shared/project/.faststore/cypress/screenshots/plp.test.js/Infinite Scroll pagin (1280x720)
ation -- Changes the page being viewed on scroll (failed) (attempt 2).png
- Started compressing: Compressing to 32 CRF
- Finished compressing: 3 seconds
- Video output: /shared/project/.faststore/cypress/videos/plp.test.js.mp4
Running: search.test.js (6 of 7)
Search input
when search for generic term
1) opens the search page
0 passing (9s)
1 failing
1) Search input
when search for generic term
opens the search page:
AssertionError: Timed out retrying after 4000ms: Expected to find element: `[data-testid=store-input-mobile-button]`, but never found it.
at Context.eval (webpack://dot-faststore/./cypress/integration/search.test.js:25:9)
[mochawesome] Report JSON saved to /shared/project/.faststore/cypress/reports/single/mochawesome_005.json
│ Tests: 1 │
│ Passing: 0 │
│ Failing: 1 │
│ Pending: 0 │
│ Skipped: 0 │
│ Screenshots: 2 │
│ Video: true │
│ Duration: 9 seconds │
│ Spec Ran: search.test.js │
- /shared/project/.faststore/cypress/screenshots/search.test.js/Search input -- wh (1280x720)
en search for generic term -- opens the search page (failed).png
- /shared/project/.faststore/cypress/screenshots/search.test.js/Search input -- wh (1280x720)
en search for generic term -- opens the search page (failed) (attempt 2).png
- Started compressing: Compressing to 32 CRF
- Finished compressing: 1 second
- Video output: /shared/project/.faststore/cypress/videos/search.test.js.mp4
Running: seo.test.js (7 of 7)
Home Page Seo
✓ has meta/canonical/link tags
✓ has structured data
✓ has OpenGraph tags
Product Page Seo
✓ has meta/canonical/link tags
✓ has structured data
✓ has OpenGraph tags
Collection Page Seo
✓ has meta/canonical/link tags
✓ has structured data
✓ has OpenGraph tags
Filtered Collection Page Seo
✓ has canonical pointing to parent url
✓ has structured data
✓ has OpenGraph tags
Search Page Seo
✓ has meta/canonical/link tags
✓ has OpenGraph tags
14 passing (10s)
[mochawesome] Report JSON saved to /shared/project/.faststore/cypress/reports/single/mochawesome_006.json
│ Tests: 14 │
│ Passing: 14 │
│ Failing: 0 │
│ Pending: 0 │
│ Skipped: 0 │
│ Screenshots: 0 │
│ Video: false │
│ Duration: 10 seconds │
│ Spec Ran: seo.test.js │
- Video output: /shared/project/.faststore/cypress/videos/seo.test.js.mp4
(Run Finished)
Spec Tests Passing Failing Pending Skipped
│ ✖ a11y.test.js 00:21 3 - 3 - - │
│ ✖ analytics.test.js 01:32 12 1 11 - - │
│ ✖ cart.test.js 00:21 4 - 4 - - │
│ ✔ performance.test.js 37ms 5 - - 5 - │
│ ✖ plp.test.js 00:28 6 - 6 - - │
│ ✖ search.test.js 00:09 1 - 1 - - │
│ ✔ seo.test.js 00:10 14 14 - - - │
✖ 5 of 7 failed (71%) 03:04 45 15 25 5 -